Modern Dimensions Of Islam
“It is good thing to have two ways of looking at the subject and to admit that there are two ways of looking at it “James C. Maxwell
Protect women , children , elders , worship places , faiths of all even during the war" Al Quran
No comments on faiths/religions of others " Prophet Muhammad PBUH
“State must have a religion but controlled by the state “ Napoleon
Get the facts first then twist them as you like. –…
ContinueAdded by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 2:10am — 14 Comments
Cause of Terrorism is Destruction of Accountabilty Laws
Law: Law ( qanoon) is humen rights/morals for humnanity /UNO Charter accepted by all nations , Limits of Quran/laws of Shariat for Muslims. The supreme law giver is one and only one :the creator of universe.
Consitution: The 3 Greatest Leaders as Nixon said in Leaders the founders of 3 major religions are not Law givers but they gave the Consitution ( aaueen) , the Supreme is the Law and the Consitution has to be within…
ContinueAdded by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 2:08am — No Comments
If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. Sun Tzu
One of the method of knowing yourself is invitng criticism from unconcerned people travelling with you or just meeting in some gatherings. I started too early as student of 5th class and published a book Face Reading in 2000. I can exactly predict my enemies .
It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The…
ContinueAdded by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on March 2, 2012 at 5:51am — 8 Comments
If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. Sun Tzu
Knowing yourself can be improved by inviting criticism from others for gettig their views and this process after the years would enable you to exactly predict your enemy. I started too early as primary student and published my book face reading in 2000
The first major problem set serial 1 to 15 is corruption, corruption and corruption. It is criminal to steal a…
ContinueAdded by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on March 2, 2012 at 5:39am — No Comments
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