Modern Dimensions Of Islam
“It is good thing to have two ways of looking at the subject and to admit that there are two ways of looking at it “James C. Maxwell
Protect women , children , elders , worship places , faiths of all even during the war" Al Quran
No comments on faiths/religions of others " Prophet Muhammad PBUH
“State must have a religion but controlled by the state “ Napoleon
Get the facts first then twist them as you like. – Napoleon
History is fable agreed by historian. – Napoleon
"Consider what is said don’t bother who said it" Hazrat Ali PBUH
Islam is protection of human rights of huminity without consider , faith , color , race and area . UNO Charte accepted by 149 nations is last address by prophet PBUH. Quran has addressed all creatures and it is a book including all Divine books based religions doctrine. Non of 66 so called Islamic countries have tried to explain Law of Sharia in practical sense of modern environments thus generation huge mis-conceptions. Let us take judicial notice on Sharia clearing mis conceptions . Discussion with Victor , Do we have Islam any where ? and many other comments are on the record.
Aim of my comment is based on humanity trying to reduce corruption by kiling and terrorism based on existing laws not mentioning any changes. Social Security in Islam is 2.5 % and Usher or Jizia is 10 % but no or no usher is implemented. Most of countries have taxes 30 % but Paksistan is charging 60 % . Social security fraud only on Sunni Muslims they also submit certificates to avoid it and baitulmall collection reaching to deserving person is 2% if you are lucky to be part of some party. Being Chairman of such Security system since a decade , I was paid $ 72 per year for stationary , visits to banks , District offices and even they audited it many times. Being miser of higest order on this money I spent $ 200 out of my pocket . My wife turned up and asked $ 400 for distribution among widows who were getting nothing so share equal one widow supposed to be paid to me was distributed among three , fuuny $ 6 being distributed. Flood victims , poors beggers got these $ 70. I had to keep this money after being audited ,spent on papers distributed $ 1300 out of $ 72. I had not received any money since last 5 years though $ 100 were kept in account to pay cost of cheque books etc out of spent money. Audit objection came you trasfer this all ammount to us. “ You had eaten $ 4 billion share of poor , how the hell can you ask such a non sense . A secret charman was nominated to eat away all the money of 3 years.
What is object on the Shariat Law having nothinng against anyone ? Does any law allowes , 1200 % corruption , eating 1300 out of Rs 100 , does any law allows pay increase of 2100 % for persons parliament , 100 to 700 % for killers , terorist and corrupt officla , 50 % for the nation any minus 30 % for pensiners. Does any law allows using money of civilian for 15 years retirng at age 60 before giving them half commuted pension , Using money of retired forces persons for 35 years calling it age 75 years. Does age has anything to do with use of communted money. Does any law allows drugmafia and landmafia to public for additional money. Income of Pakistan is $ 8 billions reaching just $ 1 billion , we have outlaws killers 25 % share by Revenue department with corruption of $ 1.9 trillions , hired killer police , courts , lawyers Wapda , gas , Railway, PIA ,customs excise , FBR , banks looting away $ 7 Billions and givng 60 % to politicians , Public looting on Electric , gas , telephone , patrol and other is $ 45 billions coming $ 13 billion , same rule giving 80 % commission to politicians . We get % 14 billions , Corruption House gets $ 7 biilion $ 14 billion is other corruption , they kick the ass of courts , they destroy laws , they kill public for additional corruption $ 3 billion. Huge army of ministers , advisors , others 9886 criminals drug mafia land mafia , outlaws , terrorists are given $ 3.5 billion , so called opposition though patner in corruption get $ 3.5 billions , there are others forces getting $ 2.5 billions , public kiler & death sellers Liars /devils and so called courts kicking and fucking anyone not terrorist dealing with useless side issues get $ 2.5 billion , press & media yellow part is vital to digest corruption , they get $ 1.5 billions Our comment was to reduce terrorism for global peace. Please tell us what is bothering you. Why false statement ?
Any questions ? Just raise the hand , Sony would pick up your question
Renewable Energy Potential in Pakistan
Engineer Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry
Most of higher officials, departments, public terrorist posts are not paying any utility bills and major portion of electricity is stolen by theft , given free , wasted as line losses , transformer losses causing greatest loss to economy. We have to find immediate solution by strict accountability of corruption that has yet to start. Energy problem has to be seen as a whole. Pakistan has lot of potential of hydel power at barrages, canals and mini-dams can be integrated with green energy and renewable energy resources. The quickest and cheapest are biogas, heat recycling, solar and wind energy to be integrated with existing grid systems those are not loaded for full capacity. Details are given at Message Board:
Pakistan has great potential of alternative, green and solar energy being wasted .I am offering $ 7 billion projects, many integrated energy projects. The alternative sources include, solar, biomass, biogas. Wind, recycling waste and other forms that are feasible such as hydro plants at barrages, canals, mini dams and many other sources being wasted. TPI Inc. proposes integration of global resources to achieve sustainable world peace.
Wind Energy.
Pakistan has very long coast line with huge potential of Wind, wave and solar energy. Denmark plans to produce 50% by 2020 from present 30 %. Germany wants renewable energy to account for 35% of electricity .Presently, Europe’s largest national economy, produces roughly 12% of its electricity from wind and solar. Wind and solar generate 3.5% of America's electricity today but they are moving very fast on green energy. The Report by David and Samuel is an analysis of European wind variability over 140 years, aimed at helping and informing policymakers, developers, owners, turbine manufacturers and investors. It also highlights the areas where the Met Office is investing in research and development needed to offer reliable weather and wind predictions on all timescales. - First public video of the 35-foot-wide Airborne Wind Turbine. The scale prototype harnessed strong winds up to 350 feet high to produce over twice the power of traditional wind turbines.
The U.S. Energy Department said that wind energy was the biggest source of new electricity in the country last year. US has now become a leading market for utility-scale solar 2012 with over 1,781 MW of utility scale power coming online in 2012. To understand the US solar opportunity, PV Insider has created “Utility scale PV in the USA: A Path to Maturity”. This guide provides full results of a comprehensive industry survey which includes the nation’s top EPC and developers, complete with PV Insider analysis
Clean Energy Trainer:
The Clean Energy Trainer resembles a complete renewable energy micro grid. It combines solar and wind power with hydrogen based energy storage. Designed for basic training needs, students can observe the entire energy conversion chain and learn about the individual technologies. The learning and experimentation software allows simulating different load and weather profiles requiring students to combine the individual energy components to different setups matching energy supply or demand. Students develop basic competence in the dimensioning of renewable energy systems. Contact us: didactic
Bruce Best Comment • The average capacity of utilization of almost all grid based energy systems including coal, gas, nuclear, and traditional hydro systems is limited to an average maximum of between 40 to 45% and that there are physical limits that will allow them to go no farther. The renewable systems with capacities of utilization of near 100% of these technologies can win against coal, gas, and nuclear power sources. It is possible to get electricity, hydrogen and carbon neutral liquid hydrocarbon fuels from the same source. Ocean Power Systems can pay off a multi MW power plant that have capital costs similar to traditional coal and gas systems in 10 to 15 years instead of the 30 to 40 that traditional plants take. With life times before renovation based at 50 years that would mean that these systems would be cash cows for 35 to 40 years.
Micro Gas Turbine:
Heat recycling technology can give us lot of energy. My research papers as M Phil Electronics Engineering researcher at MUET Jamshoro were given to Mr. Leshari. Micro Gas Turbine was intended to act as power generation unit in waste heat recovery plants. A turbine is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work. A turbine is a turbo machine with at least one moving part called a rotor assembly, which has a shaft or drum with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the blades so that they move and impart rotational energy to the rotor.
Micro turbines are small combustion turbines which are having output ranging between 20 kW to 500 kW which runs with high rotating speeds of 20,000 to 120,000 rpm. This innovative technology provides a solution to the scaling-down of higher power gas turbines. Normally they are combustion turbine that produces both heat and electricity on a relatively small scale. Micro turbines are becoming widespread for distributed power and co-generation (Combined heat and power) applications. Micro turbines offer several potential advantages compared to other technologies for small-scale power generation, including: a small number of moving parts, compact size, lightweight, greater efficiency, lower emissions, lower electricity costs, and
Micro Gas Turbine with CFD by Praful Dandgawal Posted in Simulation, Turbo-Machinery
Methane for Power Production
Pakistan requires water treatment plants at many waste water resources of Rawalpindi and Islamabad and other big cities and cantonments. Many wastewater treatment facilities use waste gas from plant processes as a generator set fuel source. This gas is comprised of mostly methane and carbon dioxide that is generated by wastewater digesters used in the water treatment process. This gas is then captured and used by Cat® generator sets to provide the plant with electricity and heat for the digester or other thermal loads. Caterpillar customers receive expert consultation on how to design, install and maintain power plants designed especially for wastewater plant gas fuel. A durable engine specifically designed for use with low-energy fuel is the cornerstone of a reliable power system. That engine drives a Cat generator to produce electricity. Where the capture and use of waste heat is not viable, many industrial facilities may still benefit financially via distributed generation (DG), or locally producing power. Where the capture and use of waste heat is not viable, many industrial facilities may still benefit financially via distributed generation (DG), or locally producing power
Coal Gas and SNG
Which is best type of energy; people are trying to replace coal plants? There is a place for solar, for Hydroelectric, for creating a fuel from waste and using it to replace coal, for WtE plants, for waste to biofuels, for geothermal, for wind, for tidal, for..., for.. In say Saudi Arabia, solar would be great, but in areas of little sun but lots of rain, it maybe something else such at hydro.
To get an answer, you need to do a careful life cycle balance, look at costs, economics, and local conditions. If possible try to keep one answer people out of it.Coal gas is being discouraged at global level by earth warming and others protesting against the installed plant. Calf. And UK plants were recently destroyed. A fuel gas produced by the destructive distillation of coal. In the late-19th and early-20th centuries coal gas was a major source of energy and was made by heating coal in the absence of air in local gas works. Typically, it contained hydrogen (50%), methane (35%), and carbon monoxide (8%). By-products of the process were coal tar and coke. The use of this type of gas declined with the increasing availability of natural gas, although since the early 1970s interest has developed in using coal in making SNG.
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When used as an intermediate in the large-scale, industrial synthesis of hydrogen (principally used in the production of ammonia), it is also produced from natural gas (via the steam reforming reaction) as follows:
In order to produce more hydrogen from this mixture, more steam is added and the water gas shift reaction is carried out:
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Ferric Oxide Desulfurization. Product Name£ºFerric Oxide Desulfurization Ferric oxide desulfurization is one of common dry desulphurization methods which is widely used in fine desulphurization. Desulfurization principle: 2FeOOH+3H 2 S==Fe 2 S 3 •H 2 O+3 H 2 O Regeneration principles: Fe 2 S 3 R...
New Fuel Cell Technology: Works with natural gas, propane and bio fuels.
Waste to energy conversion would increase recycling/ material capture, eliminate landfills (our technology), and the resultant biofuels could be dedicated to cogeneration for energy- no limit on any type feedstock equals no limit to biofuel.
Heat recycling, Biofuels Cellulosic Ethanol from rice, wheat straws, rice husk plus CHP plant which burns process wastes creating additional RE streams from wastes. India has 300 liter ethanol from a ton of straw has been established. We can cooperate with many countries.
Clean Energy Investment Rises 22% Led by U.S., China : Clean-energy investment rose 22 percent in the second quarter from the prior three months as increased spending in the U.S., China and South Africa countered a slump in Europe.
Wave Energy:
Bruce: Which Energy is Best: Hydroelectric will be best, the wind and Solar will provide power about 30 to 35%. During my research I found a paper from the British Royal Society that stated if you were able to extract just 1/1000th of 1% of the energy that strikes the worlds oceans you would be able to replace all other form of energy used by man 7 time over.
U.S. Navy Ocean Currents Map of the world on the internet would give the ocean currents flow very fast along your coast line. Using the right equipment you can extract that energy just as wind turbines do but with a difference. The ocean currents run 24/7/52 with only small variations in speed as the seasons. Change. If your ocean current equipment is capable of paying for itself during on grid operations that means you have between 55 and 60% of your total capacity that could be considered largely free. With that extra capacity you can generate hydrogen and extract Co2 from either the air or the water. If those items are combined with pressure, temperature and the right catalyst then you can make liquid hydrocarbon fuels and not have to import them. A huge economic advantage, you also might have the ability to export these fuels if the economic conditions are right.
The best part is that the fuels you generate will be carbon neutral and will not add to the climate change problem. You also have a near 100% capacity of utilization that carbon, nuclear, solar, and tidal and wind systems cannot match. You also will have depending upon pricing and tax policy the ability to pay off these type of operation in about 15 years where traditional and present renewable systems generally take 30 year or more before their capitalization is paid off
Renewable Energy Potential in Pakistan
Engineer Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry
Most of higher officials, departments, public terrorist posts are not paying any utility bills and major portion of electricity is stolen by theft , given free , wasted as line losses , transformer losses causing greatest loss to economy. We have to find immediate solution by strict accountability of corruption that has yet to start. Energy problem has to be seen as a whole. Pakistan has lot of potential of hydel power at barrages, canals and mini-dams can be integrated with green energy and renewable energy resources. The quickest and cheapest are biogas, heat recycling, solar and wind energy to be integrated with existing grid systems those are not loaded for full capacity. Details are given at Message Board:
Pakistan has great potential of alternative, green and solar energy being wasted .I am offering $ 7 billion projects, many integrated energy projects. The alternative sources include, solar, biomass, biogas. Wind, recycling waste and other forms that are feasible such as hydro plants at barrages, canals, mini dams and many other sources being wasted. TPI Inc. proposes integration of global resources to achieve sustainable world peace.
Wind Energy.
Pakistan has very long coast line with huge potential of Wind, wave and solar energy. Denmark plans to produce 50% by 2020 from present 30 %. Germany wants renewable energy to account for 35% of electricity .Presently, Europe’s largest national economy, produces roughly 12% of its electricity from wind and solar. Wind and solar generate 3.5% of America's electricity today but they are moving very fast on green energy. The Report by David and Samuel is an analysis of European wind variability over 140 years, aimed at helping and informing policymakers, developers, owners, turbine manufacturers and investors. It also highlights the areas where the Met Office is investing in research and development needed to offer reliable weather and wind predictions on all timescales. - First public video of the 35-foot-wide Airborne Wind Turbine. The scale prototype harnessed strong winds up to 350 feet high to produce over twice the power of traditional wind turbines.
The U.S. Energy Department said that wind energy was the biggest source of new electricity in the country last year. US has now become a leading market for utility-scale solar 2012 with over 1,781 MW of utility scale power coming online in 2012. To understand the US solar opportunity, PV Insider has created “Utility scale PV in the USA: A Path to Maturity”. This guide provides full results of a comprehensive industry survey which includes the nation’s top EPC and developers, complete with PV Insider analysis
Clean Energy Trainer:
The Clean Energy Trainer resembles a complete renewable energy micro grid. It combines solar and wind power with hydrogen based energy storage. Designed for basic training needs, students can observe the entire energy conversion chain and learn about the individual technologies. The learning and experimentation software allows simulating different load and weather profiles requiring students to combine the individual energy components to different setups matching energy supply or demand. Students develop basic competence in the dimensioning of renewable energy systems. Contact us: didactic
Bruce Best Comment • The average capacity of utilization of almost all grid based energy systems including coal, gas, nuclear, and traditional hydro systems is limited to an average maximum of between 40 to 45% and that there are physical limits that will allow them to go no farther. The renewable systems with capacities of utilization of near 100% of these technologies can win against coal, gas, and nuclear power sources. It is possible to get electricity, hydrogen and carbon neutral liquid hydrocarbon fuels from the same source. Ocean Power Systems can pay off a multi MW power plant that have capital costs similar to traditional coal and gas systems in 10 to 15 years instead of the 30 to 40 that traditional plants take. With life times before renovation based at 50 years that would mean that these systems would be cash cows for 35 to 40 years.
Micro Gas Turbine:
Heat recycling technology can give us lot of energy. My research papers as M Phil Electronics Engineering researcher at MUET Jamshoro were given to Mr. Leshari. Micro Gas Turbine was intended to act as power generation unit in waste heat recovery plants. A turbine is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work. A turbine is a turbo machine with at least one moving part called a rotor assembly, which has a shaft or drum with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the blades so that they move and impart rotational energy to the rotor.
Micro turbines are small combustion turbines which are having output ranging between 20 kW to 500 kW which runs with high rotating speeds of 20,000 to 120,000 rpm. This innovative technology provides a solution to the scaling-down of higher power gas turbines. Normally they are combustion turbine that produces both heat and electricity on a relatively small scale. Micro turbines are becoming widespread for distributed power and co-generation (Combined heat and power) applications. Micro turbines offer several potential advantages compared to other technologies for small-scale power generation, including: a small number of moving parts, compact size, lightweight, greater efficiency, lower emissions, lower electricity costs, and
Micro Gas Turbine with CFD by Praful Dandgawal Posted in Simulation, Turbo-Machinery
Methane for Power Production
Pakistan requires water treatment plants at many waste water resources of Rawalpindi and Islamabad and other big cities and cantonments. Many wastewater treatment facilities use waste gas from plant processes as a generator set fuel source. This gas is comprised of mostly methane and carbon dioxide that is generated by wastewater digesters used in the water treatment process. This gas is then captured and used by Cat® generator sets to provide the plant with electricity and heat for the digester or other thermal loads. Caterpillar customers receive expert consultation on how to design, install and maintain power plants designed especially for wastewater plant gas fuel. A durable engine specifically designed for use with low-energy fuel is the cornerstone of a reliable power system. That engine drives a Cat generator to produce electricity. Where the capture and use of waste heat is not viable, many industrial facilities may still benefit financially via distributed generation (DG), or locally producing power. Where the capture and use of waste heat is not viable, many industrial facilities may still benefit financially via distributed generation (DG), or locally producing power
Coal Gas and SNG
Which is best type of energy; people are trying to replace coal plants? There is a place for solar, for Hydroelectric, for creating a fuel from waste and using it to replace coal, for WtE plants, for waste to biofuels, for geothermal, for wind, for tidal, for..., for.. In say Saudi Arabia, solar would be great, but in areas of little sun but lots of rain, it maybe something else such at hydro.
To get an answer, you need to do a careful life cycle balance, look at costs, economics, and local conditions. If possible try to keep one answer people out of it.Coal gas is being discouraged at global level by earth warming and others protesting against the installed plant. Calf. And UK plants were recently destroyed. A fuel gas produced by the destructive distillation of coal. In the late-19th and early-20th centuries coal gas was a major source of energy and was made by heating coal in the absence of air in local gas works. Typically, it contained hydrogen (50%), methane (35%), and carbon monoxide (8%). By-products of the process were coal tar and coke. The use of this type of gas declined with the increasing availability of natural gas, although since the early 1970s interest has developed in using coal in making SNG.
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When used as an intermediate in the large-scale, industrial synthesis of hydrogen (principally used in the production of ammonia), it is also produced from natural gas (via the steam reforming reaction) as follows:
In order to produce more hydrogen from this mixture, more steam is added and the water gas shift reaction is carried out:
Read more:
Ferric Oxide Desulfurization. Product Name£ºFerric Oxide Desulfurization Ferric oxide desulfurization is one of common dry desulphurization methods which is widely used in fine desulphurization. Desulfurization principle: 2FeOOH+3H 2 S==Fe 2 S 3 •H 2 O+3 H 2 O Regeneration principles: Fe 2 S 3 R...
New Fuel Cell Technology: Works with natural gas, propane and bio fuels.
Waste to energy conversion would increase recycling/ material capture, eliminate landfills (our technology), and the resultant biofuels could be dedicated to cogeneration for energy- no limit on any type feedstock equals no limit to biofuel.
Heat recycling, Biofuels Cellulosic Ethanol from rice, wheat straws, rice husk plus CHP plant which burns process wastes creating additional RE streams from wastes. India has 300 liter ethanol from a ton of straw has been established. We can cooperate with many countries.
Clean Energy Investment Rises 22% Led by U.S., China : Clean-energy investment rose 22 percent in the second quarter from the prior three months as increased spending in the U.S., China and South Africa countered a slump in Europe.
Wave Energy:
Bruce: Which Energy is Best: Hydroelectric will be best, the wind and Solar will provide power about 30 to 35%. During my research I found a paper from the British Royal Society that stated if you were able to extract just 1/1000th of 1% of the energy that strikes the worlds oceans you would be able to replace all other form of energy used by man 7 time over.
U.S. Navy Ocean Currents Map of the world on the internet would give the ocean currents flow very fast along your coast line. Using the right equipment you can extract that energy just as wind turbines do but with a difference. The ocean currents run 24/7/52 with only small variations in speed as the seasons. Change. If your ocean current equipment is capable of paying for itself during on grid operations that means you have between 55 and 60% of your total capacity that could be considered largely free. With that extra capacity you can generate hydrogen and extract Co2 from either the air or the water. If those items are combined with pressure, temperature and the right catalyst then you can make liquid hydrocarbon fuels and not have to import them. A huge economic advantage, you also might have the ability to export these fuels if the economic conditions are right.
The best part is that the fuels you generate will be carbon neutral and will not add to the climate change problem. You also have a near 100% capacity of utilization that carbon, nuclear, solar, and tidal and wind systems cannot match. You also will have depending upon pricing and tax policy the ability to pay off these type of operation in about 15 years where traditional and present renewable systems generally take 30 year or more before their capitalization is paid off
Francis Highest compliment on your comment, we try to answer. In fact TPI Inc. gives warning in Pakistan when destruction of human rights falls below minus 60. No one heard us for 3 years in earth quake of Kashmir it may be 3 in one. I was writing on Poet Fraz poetry used as block code, I received best joke of 2013 by Marty thanks to all
Answers by Eva VP control Desk TPI Inc. And PS to President, she might be flying creature this the guess working with her after 4 decades, language is eyes, lips, other symbols,
TPI Inc. has no claims of accuracy on film of future only known to God, We gave 0.5 million warnings and decisions but we would never say next one is correct
Jena: R Gandhi would win next election but would not be the Prime Minister?
Sohn. Would you shut up Jena, You must have a petition to scan, approval of 2/3 majority of TPI Inc board, special sanction from Clara SVP control Desk. She had given out operation plans , this smart friend Ehtizaz had stolen secret files , got thousands of Sikh leaders killed , As SVP Black Desk being an appeal court , you had to get sanction before opening Fox land issue. She had to get it back on her neck by losing a son. Report to president TPI Inc.
Mac. When shit flows out of a mouth, take to boxing ring and break the jaws. Destiny. I hope you are not busy Jena. I hope you would enjoy reading Destiny, just give the name of Author I have forgotten, I think book has gone to technical library.
Sohn : This cute and charming beauty of yours had scanning BB being sacked in 7 days , J coming , given operation plans invited RG to attack her country , got hundreds killed , she used official pad , new adventure of opening Fox land
Mac, I signed it, Eva is flying landing in 30 minutes, she has been posted to Venezuela though she remains standby VP on top secret scanner , it was by mistake
Eva: It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases. Friedrich Schiller
Great minds have purposes; others have wishes. : Washington Irving
We mentioned other Gloria not the Queen though we still think she had been very good PM, though we know nothing from our film of past, present and future, we never run it on Philippine.
Total losses of meteorite that crash in Russia 2013 equal to killing of Muslim / other citizen in WWII, attack on Afghanistan
Chemical leak in Syria: Done by same killers thus balances treat of few unarmed kids, ladies and other at Karbala
New York Twin Tower:
The root of the evil... lay not in corruption but in the system which bred it, the alliance between industrialists and politicians which produced benefits in the form of tariffs, public lands, and federal subsidies: Samuel P Hays
We gave plan for Middle East Peace that was cheated by President and PM. Published facts in News Week same killers moving from 100 of Millions in zero in IT , books had been written on falsehood , towers had completed their life blasted from basement on money of insure invested by Arabs , nothing went at Pentagon,
WE gave warnings on other side Afghanistan those were also cheated
Julia Public prosecutor warn you, your days have been counted kicking around blasting cultural Heritage hurting other faith, crossing the limits inviting last day start
Protect children, women, handicapped and elders, worship places, faiths of all even during the war" Al Quran
No comments on faiths/religions of others “Prophet Muhammad PBUH
“State must have a religion but controlled by the state “Napoleon
Francis Nature runs on Ultra Mega Super Computer on
Francis Conol Comment on Global Peace
No matter how big or small this guided missile all over the world. Still we human cannot defend our own specie and our planet species from Government to natural calamity.
Even rocket cannot defend from meteorite that crash in Russia 2013. How much more if its just a chemical leak in Syria or just a plane crash in New York twin tower or plane crash in Pentagon or plane crash in Whitehouse or just an accident bombing in Afghanistan or somewhere in the middle east or Europe or USA.
This human body is so fragile that need proper productivity and cooperation. With-out that primary human needs and wants. Everything is useless from new born babies to a dying people of this human planet.
Knowledge is just a start-up.
Productivity is just a daily routine.
Leadership is just for survival.
Gloria is good it is just that money is controlling her and not her controlling the money same as Janet. It already happens from the Roman Empire.
Marty Farrell Best Joke 2013
George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell.
While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for.
The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished the
Devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes him a
Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she
Is finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million dollars, so
She writes him a check.
Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is
Finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00.
When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got to
Call the USA so cheaply. The devil smiles and replies, "Since Obama took
Over, the country has gone to hell, so it's a local call.
Comment on "Marty s' Very Best Joke of 2013
Sohn SVP Black desk welcomes mafia , terrorist devil gang in power Qaroon-II $ 2 billions , Rs 280 billions , #-1 in Asia 20th at global level ; coal is only best alternative energy to import coal from India, Shadad –II rental , oil and gas junk thrown by others can give us $ 2 billions and Rs 280 trillions selling of 63 % of country and destruction of 61 % of economy , they join hands to destroy all laws, Nimrud-II finds $ billions by target killing always part of government , Faroha is best husband of FBI and family being paid by secret funds of agencies. When they are elected as member of mafia law destruction houses as white elephant they have huge pays and perks they are no more human, what is category; Cobras, Swines, Whale eat flush of their own lions and other beast. ?
We at TPI Inc. running film of past , present and future , Sony mind read and spirit caller , Ola on truth scanner had many jokes in predictions/ forecasting offering solutions.
Bush had ordered 56 hotlines on exchange for Muslim rulers they are worried about my health" why 56 they are 55, Put one for Qadri he is specially worried
Jan : Jena , would you run the film of future for Bush , he has fainted , Julia as public prosecutor has to suggest health care measures. . Musharaf had attack by terrorist?
Erin, They are not found on TPI Inc. film
Julia: Our Punjabi humorous poet Imam Din Gujrati said
“ Junat mein koyeee seat khleh nua hah
Doar ki dozekh wich vurh Mam Dina
There are no seats vacant in Heaven , run fast Imam Din to get a seat in Hell
You have not read Mark Twain Jena , inferior two leg animals full of lust might have run to hell or you might find them in animal category.
Jena: Found; Bush Animal #5, Mush animal # 7
Jan : As SVP American Sector I am pleased to inform you that can trace terrorist with nuclear analysis within 24 hours, fantastic , every one clapping but Fe not impressed
Hida, E U would arrest terrorist in 48 hours with new forensic technology , wonderful and clapping but Fe not impressed.
Hisa : As SVP let me ask Fe VP Bitches & Bastards Black Desk in South Asia
Fe : We even know 7 days in advance before terrorist attack our Interior Ministry knows it how Sikander , his wife and 2 kids would hijack the capital
Chapter1: Dani s’ Introduction to Harappa Ciphers
Dr. Prof. Ahmad Hassan Dani , Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry (Researcher) , Sony
1st successful decryption of Indus Valley Scripts in a century accepted at global level though Punjabi cows / dhagas have no rights , hence they launched 57 killing attacks , killed 17 persons of my family caused loss of $ 40 millions since Dani the great global schlar approved the project and asked to send for publication in Asian Journal for Ganghara Studies.
Interview with Dani
Dani (1-9) had confirmed most of our conclusions after a detailed interview (10). Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry (Researcher) and author extends thanks to Farah Dani and all others including Sony (11). Dani gave detailed account of his life and research work that is on the record hence it is not being repeated. He also gave account of his meeting with Parpola regarding his decipherment (12). We were lost in the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro available at Mark (13-14) and Omar (1984) IVC sites. Sony is giving the narrative.
The horse hoax was being debated at internet and Author asked the comment from Dani. He said smiling that we are actually Vani from Central Asia and Brahmans hence we support them then he became serious and said that there is no government support and we have limited number of scholars doing this work at their own hence we might complement them , however an agreement is historical evidence.
South Asia is a land of many different cultures and traditions with thousands of sites. The prehistoric scripts, motifs and symbols found during Kot Diji Culture (Khan (1965) are quite different from matured Harappa Scripts 1900-1300 B.C. We are interested in the symbols, signs , pictorials and motifs , logos like 1, 2, and 3 or 33 , some symbols, signs and pictorials used in other civilizations imported from other civilizations during 1500-1300 B.C. period for this decryption.
Harappa Scripts
Table-1 shows a mixture of roughly over 26 symbols with many variants but we are mostly interested for terminal symbols over 11 starting from right to left like Arabic alphabets. Dani narrated his meeting with Asko Parpola about his effort of decipherment He, B.B. Lal, Russian Professors and many others had rejected this decipherment. One of the questions frequently asked about the Indus script whether it represents any systematic writing of any language at all is not relevant to our decryption. Dani an eminent Pakistani archaeologist, historian and linguistic is expert on 35 languages and dialects. He is authority on Central Asia, South Asia and Harappa Civilization. He is particularly known for archaeological work on Pre-Harappa Culture. We have no disagreement with even with those who agree that the writings of the Harappa Civilization are not a haphazard arrangement of signs and are at variance with one another. Our purpose in this decryption is to carry out frequency analysis of the script of Matured Harappa Civilization inn the last stage 1500-1300 B.C. In order to bring out the statistical structure of the cipher-texts.
Many of sites remain hidden under the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa and other sites. It seems to be the culture of another mythology with traditions of burial, sacrifices and the motif of bull is found that is not a pictorial. The major deity seems to be horned buffalo and buffalo horned yogi. Mehrgarh 7000 B.C site in Gedrosia pertains to the seventh and third millennium B.C. It covers Neolithic 6500- 4500 B.C. And Chalcolithic4500- 2600 B.C era. We have tablest, tools, figurines of women with heavy jewelry and ceramics of very fine quality. The motif of fish , scorpion , goat and many others including the mythology are different in matured Harappa civilization Some of the scripts , symbols and signs pertaining to Harappa culture 2600-1900 B.C. are different from previous Kot Diji .
We compliment efforts in decipherment of Indus scripts as written language. Anything before 1900 B.C. including the sign-board from Dhaulagiri consisting of 10 large signs, each sign approximately 37cm by 27cm, embedded in semi-precious stones on a wooden board and an innovate addition of many seals and tablets and even horses is wonderful contribution. Our scope in decryption is limited to Matured Harappa Ciphers in 1500-1300 B.C. those were found from upper layers.
My thanks to A. Times for registration. Decrypted Secrets of Harappa Civilization 19oo-1300 B.C. can be used for peace and security in Asia and end of terrorism. Global trade through IVC ( Indus Valley Civilization) worth $7.5 billions and trading of largest oil & gas reserves worth over $ 15 Trillions from central Asia is being blocked because , present Asians are not so civilized as compared with the Senate of tracers of Harappa States : Harappa , Mohenjo-Daro, Dholavera , Lothal and Gedrosia . Dani said during very long interview with me for approval of conclusions on 1st cryptanalysis model on IVC script. ,"South Asia was termed as golden sparrow and every one got the job at his door step. Grains and water was protected and we find best model of social security and protection of human rights. Many scholars tried the kicking mule (IVC scripts) to accept the daughter (any of ancient language like Dravidian, Brahvi, and many others) or at least to adopt it. Many scholars including Dani, B. B. Lal , Russian Professors , Steve Farmer and Michael from Harvard University , Fiserv’s and others who confirm our conclusions that we might stop forcing the mule to accept the given daughter. Sanskrit literature evolved in Ganga valley even ignores events like attack by Alexander in Indus Valley but the literature evolved in1300-1000 B.C. era according to new dating was made to mention the dried up river Habra/ Kanga or Srawati( Mughal -1997) in 1990B.C. as flowing big river. After extensive travelling and research work and spending in 5 years including 7 day journey on helicopter , I conclude that this was excessive floods over 18 recorded by Mark & Possehl and change of coarse by Indus that shifted Harappa culture to 2600-1900 B.C. to matured Harappa civilization. Kot Diji culture (Khan -1965) 3500-2600B.C. was quite different culture with different mythology motifs and symbols having burials sacrifices and divine god like others. Matured Harappa civilization is different adopting global cult of sun god and King Priest was not a divine god. We are not including mathematical cryptanalysis and we ware not disagreeing to anything. Dravidian the spoken language was not required to be in written form. Do we have any of local languages in written scripts? The answer on record is no. The oldest culture of stone age is Suma ( Sowan Valley ) 0.5 -2.5 million year old along with bone of Peking man 0.5 m , Iwaja in Japan , a city under the sea at Indian Gujarat coast , oldest city near dead sea in Jordan and Mehrgarh in Gedrosia of 8000 B.C. We had history as sing subject in oldest culture of the world till 1960s and we have elders using counting system of 20s till 1970s in Suma. According to the research by General Kungham Aryan had left Suma (the salt range & Kashmir in 1426 B.C. and it was being ruled by Anavas tribe. Aryan started arriving around 2500 B.C. in small groups as cattle grazers but they had evolved Sanskrit before 1900 B.C. seeing a big flowing river Hakra. Dani, Mughal and others call it a separate river but we call it previous alignment of Indus. The concept of roads and rivers is different for people like us actually moving the troops and their supplies. Let us consider my claim that global trading route and attacking route in South Asia before Grand Trunk road was roughly 10 km wide on both sides of G.T. road. Any one who disagrees is posted as logistic commander. I ask him to move the treasure of Alxeender 7 tons of god and silver. Eva our VP on control desk gives him published data that this treasure required 26000 mules and 5000 camels. One unit is 33 men and you require over dozen units for many purposes. Two camel loads are required for one man. Muhammad of Ghazni attack for Somnat had 30000 troops and 2 camels were required for one soldier for water and rations. We require the grazing grounds for cattle, local labor, water replenishment and replacement for sick animals. We require a herd of cattle’s for ration. It may require few months to get the convoy moved after preparation of many months.
The terms Block Cipher and Stream Cipher are borrowed from modern cryptanalysis (1). The methods and maxims of cryptology were reviewed to find the decrypted secrets of Let us take a very simple example of a message to be encrypted 46 words and 252 characters with spaces and 204 without spaces.
“His Excellency The King Priest of Harappa State as Chairman of Senate for Global Trading Coordinator in South Asia is pleased to order the new seal and signatures to be taken as final orders for all priests to be enforced from 1 January 1900 B.C. “
Let me complement Marshal (1931) , Wheeler (1956), Mackay , Magan, Gosh, Woolley , Gosh, Roy (1953), Possehl , Torsi (1993), Walter, Fiserv’s, Shaffer , Vats(1940), B. B. Lal, Durani(1981), Jacobson, Jerome(1986), Mark (1985), Khan F.A.(1965), Ratnagar(1991) and many others who contributed to Indus Valley research. Iravatham Mahadevan seems to be greater scholar when he sys that he could not decipher the scripts in-pite of his over 40 years research work. Ahmad Hassan Dani, B.B. Lal and Russian professors are the greatest who disagreed to excellent research work by Asko Parpola. Being student of top-secret science Cryptology since childhood, I was associated with code and ciphers. After long discussion with Dani about above researchers and scholars and his work with some of them, we came to the claim of decipherment by Jha N and Rajaram (2000) that I thought the broken seal by Mackay showing rear portion of bull being called hoof of a horse. Dani said smiling, “We are actually Vani from Central Asia hence I would like to appreciate the work by Brahmans ". Then added that government funding is very limited and any effort like the effort of Jha N and Rajaram has to be appreciated but we mightn't agree with decipherment if it is not correct. Then he narrated all the conversation with Parpola and finally he disagreed.
三公区分参与者大会Shangie,我最好的祝福为您的成功和全球的和平总统TPI公司对全球和平的大型项目提供$ 7万亿美元的项目工作,并在一个世纪提供第一SUCESSFUL的解密的印度河流域文明到公元前1300年的有关全球最和平的贸易路线的结论提供避免破坏地球WWIII。
“教育,即使你有去中国”,方正在公元7世纪伊斯兰教下令穆斯林。为什么选择中国?因为中国是最科学先进的国家,自公元前2年,出版,最大的百科全书,火箭,和所有在中国发明的药物被用于磁罗盘。穆斯林去学技术,他们的教学大纲教200年在欧洲..史前的评论是非常有趣的。我区Hafial,日本Ijwaka,北京人,城市在古吉拉特邦海岸对开海面,死海结算下,天鹅谷最古老的石器时代文化为0.5万开始整理公元前11000年的冰河时代当冰人男人的Java苏门答腊出现。在天堂的白天和黑夜等于1000年在地球上。地球上所有的水,4.7亿年前太阳系7天空天堂日历6日和6000年在地球上完成后得到1逆时针转动惯量。达尔文的生物花了3天前亚当降落在Sirandlep,伊娃在阿拉法特场MACCA和麦地那之间称为meqats的10000天使把守。进行魔鬼进入天堂,豌豆公鸡由借来的脚的蛇被抛出在山谷毒蛇塔克西拉佛的房子和豌豆的公鸡在谷的Gunges Jumna。重复诺亚大洪水的故事火灾生物山顶洞人的800多年的规则是谁杀了800先知和魔鬼来了两次,摧毁他们的统治者,他的种族是当亚当登陆短短3天全部被毁,除第七代孙子,诺亚信德省,后市规则,中国,俄罗斯,西藏共88人,讲79种语言和阿拉伯语为80。
一把代理的Mosad和原材料除以4组双联邦调查局特工。一个基督教神滥用,古兰经伊斯兰教构成,他们来滥用美元作为穆斯林,他们和西球场美国和穆斯林美国得到破坏零下30经济,但它保存犹太人的IT世界贸易中心,完成了它的生命损失和破坏了在钱的穆斯林杀害55万。另一组产生负面影响的共产主义,社会主义虽然非常接近,成吉思汗希特勒和斯大林的伊斯兰教总杀少得多破坏人权作为一个犹太原子在广岛和长崎的相比,我们仍然获得残缺的孩子。他们去购买Gurbachof,他妈的一切铁幕和穆斯林国家的俄罗斯方块,他们投,分为韩国,中国和俄罗斯。所有正在拖着像少数的Mosad /原材料甚至通过自己的机构代理支付的款项和山羊。内政部杀伤细胞由当地的首席贝拉Mosad联邦调查局特工(尼格斯赛斯)和丈夫都破坏和销售核潜力的国家秘密资金支付自己的机构,他们计划杀死我和其他300 13/8头,他们袭击卡姆拉最后14/8,他们摧毁了迈赫兰基地的思想,指出他们的黑手党走私业务,穆沙拉夫联邦调查局妻子Mosad,2个兄弟一个联邦调查局等原材料试图出售所有印度,猪的,蛇,血猎犬都是要摧毁所有的世界破坏人权
Excellencies and distinguish participants of Shangie congress , my best wishes for your success and global peace as President TPI Inc. working on global peace mega project offering $ 7 trillion project and offering 1st sucessful decryption of Indus Valley Civilization in a century pertaining to of 1300 B.C ; the most peaceful trading global route conclusions are offered to avoid destruction of earth in WWIII.
Shangie is an icon of best city, most respectable in South Asia due to best cloth , planned famlies and other reasons for Muslims.
“ Get Education even if you have to go to China” , Founder of Islam ordered Muslims in 7th century. Why China ? Because China was most scientifically advanced country , magnetic compass being used since 2 B.C, publishing, greatest encyclopedia, rockets, and medicines all were invented in China. Muslim went learnt technology and their syllabus for taught for 200 years in Europe.. Prehistoric review is very interesting . The oldest stone age cultures of Swan Valley my area Hafial , Peking Man, Ijwaka Japan , , city under the sea off the Gujarat coast , Dead sea settlement , are 0.5 million to start of ice age finishing 11000 B.C. when Iceman man of Java Sumatra appeared. Day and night at Heavens equals 1000 years on earth. Earth was all water 4.7 millions years ago when solar system got 1st counter clock wise inertia after completion of 7 skies in 6 days on Heaven calendar and 6000 years on earth. Darwin creatures took 3 days before Adam landed at Sirandlep, Eva at Arafat field guarded by 10000 angels between Macca & Medina known as meqats. Snake who carried devil into Heaven by borrowed feet of pea cock was thrown at valley of snakes Taxila the house of Buddha and pea cock in valley of Gunges –Jumna. Great floods of Noah repeated the story of rules of fire creatures cavemen who killed 800 prophets in 800 years rule and Devil came twice to destroy them his race were rulers when Adam landed just 3 days all destroyed except 7th generation grandsons of Noah Sindh, Hind, China, Russia, Tibet total of 88 persons speaking 79 languages and Arabic was given as 80th.
Handful of Mosad and Raw agents are double FBI agents dividing themselves in 4 groups. One pose as Christian abusing God, Quran Islam and they come as Muslims abusing US , and West they pitch US and Muslims US getting destruction minus 30 of economy but it saved Jewish loss of IT at World trade center that had finished its life and got destruction at money of Muslims killing 55 millions. The other group create negative impact of communism , socialism though very close to Islam total of Hitler, Genghis Khan and Stalin killing are much less destruction of human rights as compared with one Jewish Atomic at on Hiroshima and Nagasaki , we still get crippled kids. They go and purchase Gurbachof to fuck all iron curtain and Muslim countries of Russian block; they pitched China and Russia, divided Korea so well. All are being dragged like moneys and goats by handful of Mosad/ Raw agents being paid even by own agencies. Ministry of interior had killer cell head by Mosad local chief Bella ( Negus Seth ) and husband of FBI agent both destroyed and sold nuclear potential of country being paid by secret funds of own agencies they planned to kill me and 300 others on 13/8 , they attacked Kamra last 14/8 , they destroyed Mehran bases thinking that indicated their mafia smuggling business, Musharaf FBI wife Mosad, 2 brothers one FBI other Raw trying to sell all to India, Swine’s, snakes , blood hounds are going to destroy all the world by destruction of human rights
Excellencies Main Niwaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan with his experience of 3rd time in next 5 years and Excellency Mian Shahbaz Sharif with his hard work, honesty and special consideration for public would take Pakistan too high. They have restored DC System, al laws, dismissal of Supreme God, Prophet PBUH, Quran Qanoon –i- Shariah abolished by NRW, Revenue, Police, Q and Musharaf in 2002, abolishing all legal rights of women heirs, 1904 records were burnt, all dead 15 millions made alive are voters. Our new PS in Lion costume has astonished for opening of South Asia for full support. TPI Inc. has closed it Munafqeen and crossing limits of Kufur mafia gang had sold 63 % of country and destroyed 61 %6 % of economy
The root of the evil... lay not in corruption but in the system which bred it, the alliance between industrialists and politicians which produced benefits in the form of tariffs, public lands, and federal subsidies: Samuel P Hays
Ending Terrorism:
Cracking of Killing Mafia & Destruction of Evidence:
Cracking of Terrorist Gang:
New Killing Technologies:
Global Protection of Records:
Protect yourself:
Actual Terrorists:
“Poor management means becoming more concerned with status than with people”, Max author of Leadership is an Art
“It looks like we have a live son of bitch here” Charles from ‘Spy who saved the World’
“It is good thing to have two ways of looking at the subject and to admit that there are two ways of looking at it “James C. Maxwell
Protect children, women, handicapped and elders, worship places, faiths of all even during the war" Al Quran
No comments on faiths/religions of others “Prophet Muhammad PBUH
“State must have a religion but controlled by the state “Napoleon
Get the facts first then twist them as you like. – Napoleon
This is previously written comment on fake Taliban links generated by our ministers and agents by getting bribes from agents Sikandry drama, involving us in India home made attack scandals are side issues out of 1.3 millions to digest corruption and we hope they have done it with badger black coat liars and so called courts, with yellow journalist and black sheep stuff.
Julia. May we request Cobras & SB to reduce there 50% non -development expenses , stop this nonsense of load shedding , stop crushing of judiciary and start audit, accountability using public account committee and stop terrorism . 80% bhatha is too much, 18 % each for center, provinces and others is sufficient. Make 75 % investment in 4w energy savers, alternative energy, car parking plazas etc.
Sheila & Sonia agree to it.
Eva. Which is best animal for future? Board of directors asks Julia to decide.
Julia. F was getting married to Mona; he asked Mac the procedure for 1st night. All said and done , love, sex, warming up , striping etc but F still had a question like Mules , they want someone to come and help the Mr. Donkey to insert the Ms Mare to generate a mule . Man is expert holder in case of Mr. Horse vs. ms Donkey or vice versa. Eva said,” then calls Shah Jee." Mac, we have Julia the most beautiful face and most charming thing in TPI. Please select a board of governors 60 members to decide. TPI board of directors has lot of questions
1. God is only supreme authority whose authority is vested in constitution; UN charter accepting last address by Leader of the world PBUH, protection of human right is supreme. No one had the authority to dismiss God as supreme except Pharaoh & our Swine. Shadad /lughar baghars/ Shah Jee and Nimrod /our SB &cobra team. Supreme Court had been the only authority even in the days of Pharaohs, Shah Dad and Nimrod the priests of the day who gave final decision. 47 countries running the parliamentary type with written constitution had no authority to change the basic structure of the constitution and declare corruption, hired killing, purchase of country and every thing like we find in the local press. Bremer has excellent contribution The J Curve Rise and fall of the Nations where India and South Africa are only hopeful cases of democracy. 18th wonder of the world costing over Rs 85% billions and Rs. 5 billions on advertisement by the unique supreme authority costing Rs33 T burnt on roads to generate side issues what someone suggested as current affairs to our senior analysis and researcher Hassan to induct and display at Chohra as current events benefiting our cobras like running drama of cartoons costing Rs 1.9t showing direst to our public. Why can't they get up and show that The greatest Mouhsan Insaniat PBUH has been shown as greatest leader by Nixon in the Leaders, Lincoln In show him as greatest lawgiver where Quaid got admission, go to China policy gave the greatest status to our Muslim scientists and their syllabus was being taught for 200 years in Europe
Munafqeen Crossing all limits of Kufur
Today Michaelle in lion costume as cat came as new PS and we would be praising our great leaders but this written longtime back
‘Country has gone to the dogs “Boss was furious on Green. “ No Sir, mad dogs have survived shooting and escaped in power house”. “He is really Rascal, the words used by him reflect him as bad person”, Green said to his friend overheard by Nic. “You call your boss rascal and bad?”, Green and his friend were shivering thinking to be shunted out when Nic gave very long pause ---- “You dared to --- call him only rascal and bad, he is real bastard, son of a bitch, shameless and worst animal “, said Nic. One often recalls the sound of guava seller ‘jihra kupy da oh heel al”. They have even crossed all limits of Kufur, you would find in my articles. It was my mistake trying to defend agency
”Spy agency ISI has links with Taliban” is really shocking report not based on the facts. A review of history and research conducted by me on Afghan tribes proves that difficult area always gave advantage to Afghan tribes in the past when no ISI existed. Over 33000 persons and loss of over $ 9 billion has been caused to Armed forces and local population in supporting the global war against terrorism. It was the greatest support of ISI and armed forces that kept the foothold US led allies in Afghanistan. The losses caused to British forces in Afghan wars are on the record when no ISI existed. We have sufficient record of false intelligence making World Trade Center drama as an act of terrorism by so-called Taliban and attack on Iraq.
Off The Record : ”Spy agency ISI has links with Taliban” is an excellent side issue generated out of 1936 such side issues generated for mater piece corruption of over $ 2.6 billions. Spending Rs. 2.5 on this drama and Rs. 53 millions is out of corruption money Rs.11.5 Trillions in over 2 years. TPI Inc. has offered over 0.5 million solutions for free solution of problems at all levels. Eva with film of past, present and future welcomes our senior analysts Atta, Hassan and few others who believe that public does exit even after lot of efforts for finishing the poor by many of our supreme leaders. Black Quotes and addressing public issues by Hassan Nisar publication and Ms (sms) by Atta are greatest contributions. Our TPI Inc. President and SA desk has invited Clara VP Vulture Hunting Services Inc. Sowan Valley the ancient culture 0.5 million years old. She is expert vulture to put every one out of skirt. Swine are greatest terrorists with 17% terrorism , destruction of over 0.35 m families killing of over 13000 people ,looting of over 27 t , 43% destruction of agriculture making 25 m jobless is their contribution .85% problems are generated by them . 19% terrorists, killer of .3m, looter of 28 t, hired killers are sponsors of 79 % crimes. They are our Lugar bughars who know a week earlier where next terrorism is being launched. Foxes in Dark Agency have given loss of over 23 t by 13 % terrorism and looting of 45 t, 2.5 b free electricity is understood 2.5t. Cobras looter of 11.5 t and destruction of 33t in 2yrs is beside $ 1.63 t being looted out of 27m called 7b , they contribute 11% in terrorism beside sponsoring above 17+19+13+9 Political + 11 official= 69. Our Mulas are 2.5 % contributors. Cobra had been the sign of Naga Tribe of Taxila after Hind great son of Noah reestablished snake worshipers in Taxila valley the Gundhra province of Dara since 2000B.C. Sand boa the two mouth snake had been symbol of Harappa reestablished by Sindh 2nd great son of Noah after great flood of Noah in 5000BC. 7% vote was converted to 13 % and N lost 40 seats to change the Watch Dog. Wolf was first wild animal to be domesticated as pet dog along with wild sheep at Mesopotamia in 8900BC and our governor general Chief local Raw with 57000 agents running the show by FBI agent Dog and wife dy Raw chief and class fellow bloodhound world bank agent with wife as Mosad chief granted new contract to 132 Mosad agents so wolves gave chance to cobras and sand boa. Supreme swine, lughar baghars, foxes, vultures, cobras and sandboa are our watch dogs by our wolves. Haqani the RAW & CIA is on control desk under the shadow of meat eating bush. Clara is put everyone out of dress and beard to watch the actual face of terrorists as demanded in 2012. 1. Swines killings 16887, looting 27 trillion the revenue 2. Laugher baghars killings 0.41m looting 29.9t, 3. Dark Department 4. Mosad agents cobras and sbs ram 50heads per $ sold 0.5m , 3687 attacks , rpa, rub, nan, zm, qas, chief st , all with $1.6m & rest in local total of 3.5 trillion , SB1 has $4.9b & 8.6 trillions richest in Asia. Sheila VP Mosad & Raw Agents representing SB1 wants to negotiate. Sonia is on Blue land desk representing the government. We have Julia representing Fox land desk the public prosecutor.
Punjabi Cows Have No Rights they have to be killed : Public killers courts/badger bars liars, agencies , electric , gas, patrol, free mafia gangs grade 20 & above terrorist/ mafia politicians insult , abuse, degrade , disgrace Punjabi Cows “ cattle” even after looting 3000 % instead of 30 %, New Local Body System. There is requirement of local Judicial /Magistrate system and Social Security committee volunteers at union council level. Destruction of DC system along with destruction of all laws in 2002, 8th and 18th amendments have not even left law of jungle in the country. Over $ 17 billion income is not even shown, few hundred extra departments, division, ministries and over 1738 grade 20 and above illegal post given life time perks over $ 9 billions income of 9 years. Public in democracies is taxed 30 % and 10 % given back as social security though Islam has 2.5 % Zakat, 10 % Usher , simplicity, zero protocol , Jizia etc should not be more that 30 % but public is made to pay over 3000 % with zero human rights and word justice doesn’t exist.
Zero human Rights, electricity closed for over 19 hours a day, internet blocked, New local Raw Chief Qaroon Mafia $ 2 trillions plus Rs 280 trillions is biggest corrupt in Asia and no-20 at world level. Hydel power is over 22000 MW but shown over 4000 MW, who had eaten RS 480 billions of public as circular debit? Public killers under ministry of interior with new MOSAD Chief Bella heading mafia of 127 MOSAD agents, 63724 raw agents now power grade 20 and above, corruption gang has been lifetime perks of Rs 9 trillions. Role o local Judicial Magistrate/ Justice of peace and social security Committees requires legislation like volunteers of Local Zakat/ Usher Committee may be Jirgas or Pundit or Union council volunteers non-party bases supporting any government like Fata members. Public is unable to bear extra gundas of $ 19 billions Nazims.
It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases. Friedrich Schiller
Great minds have purposes; others have wishes. : Washington Irving
Since 1200 Ad, Dukes, Marquis, Earl/Countess, Viscounts and Baron had 1/3 or 30 % of share of public income including Doge/ Sheriff / watch dogs as King’s court. Best of economies like Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland having no militaries, Canada Australia, Canada, UK and USA give 10 % back as social security. Most of developing countries are looting over 3000 % in Pakistan. We have to link economic destruction of France 1715, Germany 1920 and Japan 2001, today we have countries full of debts and poor economies. Terrorists, mafia so called political parties have inducted outlaws, terrorists, killers in special departments
The root of the evil... lay not in corruption but in the system which bred it, the alliance between industrialists and politicians which produced benefits in the form of tariffs, public lands, and federal subsidies: Samuel P Hays
In Pakistan ,most corrupt Doge /Badger bars outlaws bring Qaroon $ 2 trillion Rs 280 trillion corruption stealer of steel , gets 2.5 million votes adds dead/fake / terrorist in departments to make it 15 million out of 210 million population with 115 million voters .
Human Rights, Accountability, Law, Justice, Social Security have been abolished; Doge most corrupt outlaws are public killers. Mafia Terrorist Houses get 2100 % , public killer police/ forces/ tax dacoits FBR , Revenue got 100 to 300 % pay and allowances while nation got 50 % and pensioners were decided to be killed though they got over 50 % reduction by increasing utility bills even back dated increase is affective. 1736 illegal grade 20 and above generals, secretaries, ex Chairman illegal mafia house senate, ex PM , ex National Assembly speaker were given life time perks of 9 year income $ 9 billions , over $ 17 billion income is not even shown by public killer gang of revenue, police, FBR, board of revenue sponsored by terrorist / mafia gang political parties,
Look crime on the record, illegal high court gives 20 % to Islamabad mafia as allowance while nation is given 10 %. UN charter has been abolished. Destruction of economies at global level has to be reviewed considering illegal extra post grade 20 and above and their highest perks, , dirtiest / hateful role played by black fishes in Press and media, Worst role played by badger bars/ so called judges and most corrupt are mafia gangs so called political parties.
US Senate has proposed a bill that Senators who have not cleared utility bills must be stopped from their pays and they should be paid minimum of the wages. Pays and allowances of highest post must be equal to minimum pensions/ wages; they are most respectable senior citizen volunteers in most of the cases serving mankind in their respective fields not for money. Social Security and justice is foundation stone of volunteers at county/ local body level not getting regular pays but some allowances as expenses. All posts above grade 20 and above must be abolished, no life time perks, no plots, no extra facilities but equal senior citizen benefits for anyone who has paid taxes / services for over 20 years. Responsibility of destruction of economies is on badger bars/ courts / dirtiest black sheep in press and media protecting corrupt mafia so called political parties.
Global Peace Mega Project: Ending Terrorism
Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry
Protection of global trading routes, protection of global investors, protection of global assets like cultural heritage, artists, tourists, researcher on global peace giving facilities, incentives and concessions, respecting great leaders, global laws and integration of global resources cutting down duplicate expenses re-inventing the wheel at many places can establish global peace. TPI Inc. has given over 0.5 million free predicted solutions at global, national, local and individual level though many cheated at highest levels. We have group of investors, we have experts in technologies, we have powerful press and media but thing are not moving in positive direction due to mafia corruption networks in powers. There is handful of raw and Mosad agents pitching blocks, religions against each other dragging the world like goats and monkeys. We are not after mafia corruption networks or public killers but we want better management of wasted resources. TPI Inc board is 33 directors nonhuman being just warning the globe from destruction of human rights falling below minus 60 the last day of 50,000 years starting it might had started just push of nuclear button even highest burst for EMP would take just a month to destroy all.
One of the solutions proposed is visit of Yingluck to US, Tajkistan and Pakistan. The economist, Reader Digest, News Week, IEEE journals had been my favorites, Let Us assume Yingluck as President TPI Inc, you can make your global board like our TPI Inc. board. You may delete, amend, modify our $ 7 billion to trillion projects and move the things towards global peace. All details are attached.
Yingluck Shinawatra Prime Minster of Thailand during her successful visit to Pakistan, the Homeland of Buddhist had announced increasing trade to # 2billions. She had been very successful business women, politician and the youngest Prime Minster in 60 years. She is highly qualified in Public Administration and had been CEO, President and MD of various firms before election as PM for 4 years term. There are many fields like tourism, costly stones, culture, heritage, energy, and others in which we can share with Thailand. I hope many facilities for tourist those I saw in 1995 must have improved a lot under highly qualified, energetic and experienced P M Yingluck. Thailand, the beautiful country is called the Land of Smiles and has been gifted with amazing tourist attractions. Pakistan shares the wonderful mix of culture, traditions, heritage and historical attractions. Nixon in Leader quoted Buddha as one the greatest leader among three founders of major religions. Buddhism started from famous valley of snakes Taxila near Islamabad in 600 B.C have wonderful cultural heritage though the facilities for tourists and special VIP treatment to tourist at Thailand is desirable at many places and in many countries. The announcements and MOU signed would contribute towards global peace and stability if global resources are integrated to offer best of treatment to tourist like Thailand tourism. It requires lot of efforts to get the MOUs as projects on ground the press and media, embassies, tourists and global community must cooperate for protection of tourists and others as global assets.
I respect all great leaders, cultural heritage, artists, researchers, global investors, tourist as global assets. I have greatest respect for peaceful Buddhists; one of the Buddha said that he gets light from founder of Islam. The oldest Stone Age culture of Sowan valley shares the tonal language with Thai language. Thailand is one of the top tourist destinations in the world and visitors are given best of the guides, VIP treatment. From visiting places like the amazing Koi Samui Island, the historical Ayuthaya Park, or simply enjoying a city tour in the bustling city of Bangkok, there are massive clusters of attractions that will make any tour more delightful. The excellent tour guide Nina guided me in King S’ Palace showing everything in detail golden bricks, golden costume of Buddha in excellent Temple even quoting the prices. The tour to costly stone factory was just like VIP visiting some state. Pattaya, the Temple Chai Mongkhon, Hat Dongtan, Hat Ta Waen Beach, Pattaya Elephant Village, Mini Siam, and Hat Naklua are also excellent places to visit. Chiang Mai very old for adventurous tourism, historic sightseeing place might be declared as twin of Taxila Heritage 1st University and 1st place of Buddhism. Taxila Heritage might include sort of the Orchard Farm, Namtok Mae Sa, Mae Se Elephant Show, Chiang Mai Temple, and the Mae Sa Butterfly Farm places in Thailand. The most common religion is Theravada Buddhism. Thai Buddhism ranks amongst the highest in the world. According to the last census (2000) 94.6% of the total population is Buddhists of the Theravada tradition. Muslims are the second largest religious group in Thailand at 4.6%.[1][78] Thai culture has been shaped by many influences, including Indian, Lao, Burmese, Cambodian, and Chinese. We can cooperate with Thailand for development of Tourism as industry improving facilities for Buddhist, Sikhs and others for their religious places and others for richest and greatest cultural heritage in Pakistan beside very exciting, wonderful and beautiful places. Global Peace Mega Project for protection of global investors, protection of global trading routes, protection of tourist , protections of artists, actors, researchers on heritage giving special concessions and facility is my over 30 years research work. Thailand has a GDP worth US$602 billion (on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis). This classifies Thailand as the 2nd largest economy in Southeast Asia, after Indonesia. Despite this, Thailand ranks midway in the wealth spread in Southeast Asia as it is the 4th richest nation according to GDP per capita, after Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia. May I request Thailand Press and Media to publish my articles? Global Peace Mega project can give $ 7 billion to trillions, we want just 20 % for heirs, and TPI Inc. boards etc. e-mail:
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The root of the evil... lay not in corruption but in the system which bred it, the alliance between industrialists and politicians which produced benefits in the form of tariffs, public lands, and federal subsidies: Samuel P Hays
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