If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. Sun Tzu
One of the method of knowing yourself is invitng criticism from unconcerned people travelling with you or just meeting in some gatherings. I started too early as student of 5th class and published a book Face Reading in 2000. I can exactly predict my enemies .
It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases. Friedrich Schiller
The first major problem set serial 1 to 15 is corruption, corruption and corruption. The moderation may be used on criticism but we must start an accountibility at aal level and we must try to reduce our non development expences. This criticism based on facts and research of 50 years is for protection of humen rights though taken as open war against corruption network giving back over 30 killing attacksthe .Criticism is the greatest tool to achieve many objectives though not liked by many. Avoid this tool for kids , they repeat what they observe. If you want to improve yourself , you must invite criticism from neutral unkhown persons such as persons spending sometime during traveling or other such activities. The criticism by friends might be their concrn for you as your wife might criticise just getting attention may not be meaning anything. Enemies use this affective tool to achieve certain negative objectives. Pakistan has great potential for investments in alternative energy and many other fields .We must join toghter to offer protection of investors interest and protection of global trading routes. Law & Consitution have to be clealy defined . Pakistani Working outside Pakistan have made greatest contributions . My highest compliments to them. Our embassies have played zero role as I observed as researcher and journalist.Supreme is one and only one authority law giver the creator and supreme are laws of Sharia , UN Charter same as last Khutba , universal Laws and natural laws having nothing to do with consitution. Country might have a parliament or congress or body to implement Laws and country might have a written consitution or like UK no written consituion. An accountibility of corruption network is vital for ending terrorism with a view to establish global peace.
http://www.facebook.com/people/Nazeer-Chaudhry/100001466267372 http://nazeerchaudhry.blogspot.com/ http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/User:Nazeer_Ahmad_Chaudhry http://twitter.com/nazeeraahmadch http://nazeerchaudhry.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated
Contribution : http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Special:Contributions&target=User:Naz...
Ending Terrorism: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/ending-terrorism/
Human Rights: http://soleilmavis.ning.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kMD9ONVk38
Manager Asia : WGJG http://www.globalunityharmony.com/apps/auth/login?why=pw&next=a...
Global Solution of Problems : http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/global-solution-of-problems/
Protection of Human Rights
In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The root of the evil... lay not in corruption but in the system which bred it, the alliance between industrialists and politicians which produced benefits in the form of tariffs, public lands, and federal subsidies: Samuel P Hays
UNO can play vital role in shaping the globe into peaceful global village if reorganization is tailored to end basic reasons of terrorism. Injustice, corruption, lack of accountability, protection to mafia and criminals in many parts of the world are basic reason of terrorism. We have to integrate global resources at UNO level to stop serious violence of human rights, corruption and injustice to end terrorism for establishing global peace and stability. The parameters for induction of new permanent members must be associated with solution of above problems, reduction of non development and military expenditures and establishment of accountability systems to end corruption. The existing criteria for permanent membership of being nuclear power have urged over dozen countries to achieve this status during the century. Muslim countries could be better candidate for permanent membership if they follow teaching of Islam to establish global peace
“State must have a religion but controlled by the state “Napoleon
Muslim countries as a state are following UNO Charter on equal rights of all human beings that is not different from the last address by Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Protect women, children, elders, worship places, faiths of all even during the war" Al Quran
No comments on faiths/religions of others “Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Islam is religion of peace advocating protection of human rights of all religions and faiths, peace and justice for all and we have best model of simplicity, accountability and strict actions against corruption. Others have similar concept but we find different applications.
prime minister par farde aiad honi chaheay
jurm Shazyia
Julia Commenting on Shazyia demanding fraud case on PM
Zona VP On Truth Scanner welcomes Shazyia on TPI Inc. South Asian Desk . Eva VP Control Desk with film of past , present & future is running the film on PM
Eva. Corruption PM = Rs 9.3 trillion including fraud Rs 3.5 trillions. , he also owns $ 45 millions. Worst looters 15 agents killer of bb have corruption of Rs 9 trillion & $ 45 million each , Ni-1 $ 1.31 trillion & Rs 73 trillions.
Julia : Shazia is right, PM has dismissed God, dismissed Prophets, calls corruption as Mesaq Medina & right , he kicks the ass of Full Bench with support of EA sold his honor at 30 crores ,though he had 16 crores earlier. PM has commited serious crime of creating ethnic issue for destruction of country in 10 parts. No-1 is highest cheat , fraud, looter , 2nd is Double Bad All barking hound even bitng full bench really shameful act by fake liar he has same fraud corrution , 3rd degree Yellow & Red Goof is real fraud even in family background. They are ready to carrry out excessive looting operation , this is the reason for kicking full bench
Tina : Tango for Tango Tango , Clara Cutter SVP Control Desk approves operation “ Tango”
Eva PS to President TPI Inc. : from Tango Tango , roger out
Hisa SVP Asia : Narrative-1 You are ACME consultants to Full Bench , full with side issues , working day & night giving fuk all to public, black mailed kicked by so called hororable liars sold EA, AJ , K , DBA , outlaws / refined gundas, highest corrupt , cheats, frauds , liars , terrorists in government . they don’t accept any laws what is to be done by Highly Unjust Machinery so called Judiciary that failed to give justice even in a single case since 1947.
Jane : We would all sesson judges and give all this nonsense junk side issues to them and clear the desk. These cheats have made fool of everyone to digest highest corruption , omly interest on corruption is $ 19 billion , tax on this corruption with interest $ 1.63 trillion is 1.3 billions
Eva : Board of directors TPI Inc. proposes respect for full bench and picking ACME , clearing the desk ASP and starting of an accountability. NAB, FIA, CIA, Wafaqi Moutisib, Anti Corruption, Audit , Special police are paid $ 4 billion to do what ? mukmuka ? Please behave .
Hunters , Bird Lovers and Killers Culture
“Poor management means becoming more concerned with status than with people” , Max author of Leadership is an Art
Black Potridge always feel unsecure like Pakistani public and it has no culture of being friendly even if brought up in captivity. Politician are not only hunter of black money , blackdeed criminals, black coat ; devil/liars outlaws public killers but they are public killers. Only qualification for huge army of most corrupt minsters /advisor is to be mafia gang outlaw , criminal terrorists.
Highest compliments to Mr. Farahat Shah , our bird lover researcher on very interesting bird black patridge sharing his latest visit to Ethens .He has a special message for our hunter friend Malik telling him to immediately stop shooting of Doves due to egg season and being a bird of peace. Black patridges live like a eatern family dominated by strong male , other males within half kilometer area have to be silent. Mating call by strong male is attended by all females. Females are like single mothers bring up their youngs. Black patriges are not used to bread in captivity and males are kept in few houses. It has been proved by excessive research by locals that black magic on owner is taken by black patridge and he dies. I have yet to know anyone keeping female , only male are kept. Researcher Frahat Shah and few others share the view that male are spare because only one is required in half Kilometer domain hence ban on hunting by Punjab government for licience holder is not justified that was thought vital to save the race of black potridge. Black potridges male are hunted for captivity but no one would spare females. Myself and few others might protest against killing /butchery of brown patridge by bird killers spoting the sites where patridge rest as a group during day time and butcher them during night . As a kid , I spent lot of time on watching the birds when natural life was not disturbed by our elders uneducated soldiers of WWI and WWII and others non hunting or encourging hunting the birds . We had just few young hunter of quails using nets or dogs , no shooting. Now area adjacent to my village house over 30 canals and nearby stream and area across that had hundred of birds have almost no birds and no water in the stream. I walked or used our mare to journey of few kilometers to a village at the foot of wild oliveoil jungle ; mountain range near Sohawa on GT road watching hundred of birds and hares / other animals but now non exist. There seems to be no survival of natural life anywhere. I am engaged by posion spitting cobras ; relatives of my step mothers who are killer of kids , widows , orphan , old and sick people. Terrorist in revenue department, hired killer police liars/devils and white elephents and swines in corruption houses so called parliament ; house of mafia drug , land and sponsors of public killing don’t bother for even humen what to talk of animals.
My highest compliments to thousands of my friends , peace lovers and site sponsors who liked , signed and encourged my Global Peace Mega Project. Some of the links are given as update
A faithful friend is a strong defense; and he that hath found him hath found a treasure: Louisa May Alcott
Nazeer Chaudhry : Facebook , twitter , Naymzs.com and Linkedin at e-mail : nazeer-chaudhry2@hotmail.com and other at http://www.linkedin.com/in/nazeerbhatti52 at nazeerchaudhry@yahoo.com , twitter , facebook ,
twitter.com/nazeeraahmadch, www.facebook.com/nazeerchaudhry, www.facebook.com/people/Nazeer-Chaudhry/100001796503413 ,twitter.com/#!/NazeerChaudhry2 , nazeerchaudhry1.blogspot.com/view/magazine,https://plus.google.com/105463146711566852059,peacepink.ning.com/xn... ,dunyanews.tv/index.php?key., www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kMD9ONVk38 ,www.zoominfo.com/#!search/profile/person?personId...targetid...,www.thepetitionsite.com/1/global-solution-of-problems/ ,www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kMD9ONVk38,www.youtube.com/all_comments?th......
http://www.altaerosenergies.com - First public video of the 35-foot-wide Airborne Wind Turbine. The scale prototype harnessed strong winds up to 350 feet high to produce over twice the power of traditional wind turbines.
Proofs : There had been a ground , large space for grave yard , huge water pool, ex dispensary plot at Kauntrila all given to gundas , there had been single primary school at Hafial that too occupied by Cobraras Numberdars as fucking house offering everything to Revenue/ police officials. Now over dozen school does not indicate improvement in education but it is best corruption , you get over $ 1500 and just you may spend $ 100 , Over $ 45 millions / Rs 9 trillions part is visible nearby ; the palace of criminal Rental Polluted Authorty , you have to be terrorist , killer / mafia to become minster/ advisor.
Who deserve to be saluted ??? : 2leg animals or 4 leg animals ; Mark Twain has defined it well.
Does 2two leg swines, dogs cats and other sick animals labelled as Inferior animals defined by Mark Twain : the killers/ blood suckers of labors , poor, widows, orphans, old and sick deserve salutes and convoy of over dozen vehicles to protect this exclusive race of swines/white elephants on Margella Hills Islamabad. Clergy has its own way of bloodsucking like burning alive with the dead to get all jewerry and money of not only widows but maid also are made to jump in fire . Heaven is another concept by blood suckers , just carry out an analysis , 80 % is taken away by bloodsuckers at the name of Dumy Cracy , Mr. Ten % , Mr. 40 % and now Mr. 80 % a ticket black mailer from FL Square Inc. has over $ 131 Trillions and Rs 40 Trillion alone. What is the proof ? Each killer of BB has been given an award for destruction of all laws/ consitution and protection to mafia ;drug,land, killing, corruption . Eack killer Double Bad All , Ruining Murderer now attaching Dulla ‘s status . Double or Dullas are agents of very very costly over prosetutes public paying over 50 millions for each barking bitch though you could get the fuck for $ 10 ,
Public Killers Rawalpinidi Gujar Khan Terrorist Revenue Department Kick out Quran & Sharia vide their Letter DDOR 138/HC of 1/3/07, “ We don’t accept any courts & any laws , Naib Tehsidar Nasir Chaudhry mutation 3234-3241 of 2007 crime on record, DDOr Kinza accepts 12 fathers , 3 mother of Thugs , mutation 290 of 2005 allts 350 canals out of 4 canal non existing land, Siama younis kicks out president of Pkistan / Dco orders declares , declares “ All laws in Pakistan are wrongs” , orers killing of all legal heirs and witnesses. Revenue department Rawalpindi get over 30 persons killed and causes loss of Rs 3 billion to me . Patwari/ constable killer say that they pay bhatta to officers.
Petition 14 of 16/1/12 sent to IP Punjab Police now DG FIA, RPO, CPO, Commissioner ( now previous Bosal is back ) , DCO, Director Anti Corruption ( regional director) SHO Anti Corruption Rawalpindi , AC, Tehsildar , SHO Police Station Jattli Gujar Khan, SHP was visitedd 3 times petition no15 given to SHO / AC Gujar Khan , Excellency Patwari sits with killing contract Mutations 3234-3241 of 2007 digesting RS 8000 by abuser Naib Thsildar Nasir, Mutation 290 of 2005 only 4 canal not existing giving killers all of my lands over 300 canals , house and killing of all witnesses / heirs. New request to DCO dt 19/4/12
2.Namepedia » Iftikhar Cripple www.namepedia.co.uk/iftikhar/cripple/ Cached SYou +1'd this publicly. Undo
Nazeer Chaudhry ... 18 terrorist attacks looting of Rs 44 billions Inspector IFtikhar Chaudhry Naqdi Moharara , Abrar Chaudhry his cousin ex Nazim Jattli, Javid ...
3.Global Peace Mega Project Petitions signatures www.ipetitions.com › ... › Other › Global Peace Mega Project Petitions Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Comments: Global Peace Mega Project Petitions are based on 30 years of my research work . As Mac President TPI Inc, I have offered over 0.5 million free ...
4.Nazeer Ahmad - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything! www ... www.123people.co.uk/s/nazeer+ahmad You +1'd this publicly. Undo
At 7:21pm on November 22, 2010, Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry said... Part-III Some one has suggested going to press and media , I had been journalist .
5.Soleilmavis - Mind Control Victims Online Shop soleilmavis.ning.com/Cached - Similar
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Global Peace Mega Project 1 Reply. Started by Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry in Opinions. Last reply by Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry Mar 7.
peacepink.ning.com/.../stop-the-multiculturalism-terrorism-mind-con... Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
21 Jan 2012 – Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry shared their blog post on Digg ... Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry commented on Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry's blog post ...
8.Digest for politicalforum@googlegroups.com – 11 Messages in 10 Topics
news.jonzu.com › United States You +1'd this publicly. Undo
11 hours ago – Nazeer Kauntrila gujar Khan received by me after 2 months. Petition ... Stay Order by Civil Court Gujar Khan Chaudhry Waris Javid of Feb 2009 ...
9.Pak Starz: Re: Digest for politicalforum@googlegroups.com - 25 ...
pakstarz.blogspot.com/.../re-digest-for-politicalforumgooglegroup.ht... Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
2 days ago – Award of Rs 50 Millions : Cobra Ghafur | Nazeer Chaudhry. nazeerchaudhry ... Posted 1 week ago by Nazeer Chaudhry ... On 30 April 2012 ...
10. WORLD NEWS BLOGS: Re: Digest for politicalforum ... tahir2929.blogspot.com/.../re-digest-for-politicalforumgooglegroup.... Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
1 day ago – Award of Rs 50 Millions : Cobra Ghafur | Nazeer Chaudhry. nazeerchaudhry ... Posted 1 week ago by Nazeer Chaudhry ... On 30 April 2012 ...
317. Ending Terrorism The Petition Site | Wahyoe Blog's javascript:void(0) wahyoe.info/Ending-Terrorism-The-Petition-Site – Indonesia You +1'd this publicly. Undo
myblog/nazeer chaudhry (479 signatures on petition) ... petition signatures. END BEASTTUBE.COM - The Petition Site THIS IS A WEBSITE THAT HAS VIDEOS ...
321. Political Forum Blogroll: Re: Partesan GOP Roberts Supreme Court ... polforumblogroll.blogspot.com/.../re-partesan-gop-roberts-supreme-... Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
8 Apr 2012 – ... 2012 03:21, Nazeer Chaudhry < nazeerchaudhry1@gmail.com > wrote: On 12 March 2012 03:20, Nazeer Chaudhry < nazeerchaudhry1@.
18.Nazeer Chaudhry nazeerchaudhry1.blogspot.com/view/magazine Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Posts Above President killer of 60 Just lowest Local Numberdar , Board of Revenue & Hired Killers kill 30000 for Corruption. Sponsored by Members of ...
19.Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry's Page - peacepink peacepink.ning.com/xn/detail/u_1qfvm8nsscpdp Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
20.Dunya News: Police File-part ALL-2011-09-13-Police Violence case ... dunyanews.tv/index.php?key...Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
21.Dunya TV-Police File-13-09-2011 - YouTube 18 terrorist attacks looting of Rs 44 billions Inspector IFtikhar Chaudhry Naqdi Moharara , Abrar Chaudhry his cousin ex Nazim Jattli, Javid Ashraf brother ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kMD9ONVk38
22.Dunya TV-Police File-13-09-2011 - YouTube http://www.bing.com/search?mkt=en-xa&q=nazeer+chaudhry&firs... 4,989 views · Added 15/10/32 : · 18 terrorist attacks looting of Rs 44 billions Inspector IFtikhar Chaudhry Naqdi Moharara , Abrar Chaudhry his cousin ex Nazim Jattli, Javid Ashraf brother of Pervaiz ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kMD9ONVk38
Comments - YouTube www.youtube.com/all_comments?threaded=1&v... Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Contact Nazeer Chaudhry at nazeerchaudhry@yahoo.com or facebook , telephone 0515157316, 0346 5125829 , This is research of 50 years that can give ...
23.Cobra 6 - Who is talking about Cobra 6 on social media networks
whotalking.com/flickr/Cobra+6 Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Recent Updated: 4 days ago - Created by Nazeer Chaudhry - View ... terrorist Aziz & sons are protected by Inspectro Iftikhar Chaudhry/ his cousin Abrar ...
Part-3. Nazeer Chaudhry nazeerchaudhry1.blogspot.com/.../solution-to-all-problems-ending.ht... CachedYou +1'd this publicly. Undo
http://www.xing.com/profile/Nazeer_Chaudhry. Loss of R 60 Crores is an award, this 50 years research work. www.thepetitionsite.com/4/global-peace-mega-project/Cached
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... made dead on their record. Please help voiceless widows , orghans , poors who have lost their lands to revenue kilers. Posted Yesterday by Nazeer Chaudhry ...
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19 Apr 2012 – msg84514.h http://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/links-sites-publications-2.... Posted 1 week ago by Nazeer Chaudhry ...
Dunya News: Police File-part ALL-2011-09-13-Police Violence case ... police File is an excellent program giving some hope to victims.Twitter Nazeer Chaudhry , peacepink is my story for SP Musa Khan.e-mail: nazeerchaudhry@yahoo.com.mobile 0346-512582 dunyanews.tv/index.php?key=Q2F0SUQ9cHYjSUQ9MzcyNSNmTGFnPWVwLjQ5NTMscGFydC5.
NAB to take action : rawalpindi@nab.gov.pk , chairman@nab.gov.pk , infonab@nab.gov.pk
Request ask NAB for an accountibility of Rs 200 trillion by 30000 killeer Revenue Department, hired killer police , law destroyer NRB, killers board of revenue, Rs 19 trillion looter mafia of Nazims & local administration
Highest compliments to Zulfiqar Cheema for his article Mosahilti Committes. Our system of Jirga/ Punjaiat has been destroyed by political pollution. Assistant to Attory at UK court came last month and I had detatiled discussion on famous quote by Churchil quoted by many authors " We would the war because our courts are giving justice to public" , PM Chirchill had commented during WWII. Major conclusion from best justice systems are as under : -
1. Witnesses are confronted with killers/mafia in our system thus killing / disposing all witnessses and their families. In voluteer lower courts at London , they never confront witnesses. The witness can appear in any of nearby police centers and get his message recorded , he might be given the facility of video conferencing if required.
2. In my 50 years research work , all the witness killing is 1st aim of reveue/ lower courts, over 35 have been killed. There is not a single case in which some court has provided any sort of even delayed justice. Mosahti committee or punjiat had decide after all witness were killed , all evidence was destroyed and all money was looted
3. Revene department killers had destroyed over 3.5 million families and they are worst beasts on the earth , who get the bribe and attack again & again. Hired killer police black sheeps are fully protected, in my case posts above president of Pakistan and above all laws have been quoted.
4. ACME Accountibility Council for Monetry Emergency and Voluteer Mohsahti Committees , non politicals is the solution to honor the decision by courts / honoring the law
5. An accountibility is vital to get back looted money of public.Local body Nazims had over Rs 19 trillion corruption , all laws were destroyed and it was worst system where mafia even didnot accept the law of junggle.
6. My loss is over 60 crores and Global Peace Mega Project can give rs 3 billions as an award. Just get hold oof one killer of BB each has corruption of Rs 9 trillion & $ 45million , PM has the same. over 200 triillion is corruption by board of revenue , Revenue department , police , NRB and local law destroyers/ killers mafia nazim system. We have over 10000 NRO criinals, each outlaw/mafia/ terrorist / criminal is minister/ equivalent , or medal receipent for law destruction , mafia/ public killing operation.
7. Please get together to form mosahti committees non political voluteers to save destruction of Pakistan. Just one man has $ 1.31 trillion ,
May I request all to send it to NAB for an accountiibility of Rs 200 trillion and killing of over 30000 by Revenue department , hired killers police , NRB , laws destroyers , board of Revenue / other killer of public.
NO action : rawalpindi@nab.gov.pk , chairman@nab.gov.pk , infonab@nab.gov.pk, mail@supremecourt.gov.pk,pro_scp@yahoo.com,dco@rawalpindi.gov.pk ,safdar.mehmood@janggroup.com.pk , khalid.masood@janggroup.com.pk , hassanhansi@hotmail.com , observer@pakobserver.net , articles-galore@googlegroups.com , irfan.sadique@janggroup.com.pk, mubashir_r@hotmail.com , huffpolitics@huffingtonpost.com , attaul.haq@janggroup.com.pk , web@tribune.com.pk , behjat@nazeer.org ,dailyislampindi@yahoo.com
From: Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry, H#131, Mubarak Lane-4, Adyala Road Rawalpindi, and 46000 Pakistan
Telephone 92-51-5157316, mobile: 92-0346- 5125829 e-mail: nazeer-chaudhry1@hotmail.com nazeerchaudhry@yahoo.com e-mail nazeerchaudhry-1@gmail.com
Profile: http://www.scribd.com/doc/119087715/Profile-Nazeer-Ahmad-Chaudhry
Nazeer Ahmad e-mail anazeer705@gmail.com registered ON line compliant to CM Compliant Cell : cms8092 anti corruption cms8113 CPO cms8114 , DCO cms8115 dated 21/8/13
No FIR registered by Police Station Jattli, no action by AC/ Tehsildar Gujar Khan for correction of records/ registion of FIeR, To : IG, RPO, CPO, Commissioner, DCO, Director Anti Corruption, SHO Anti Corruption Rawalpindi , AC , Tehsildar, DSP Guar Khan, SHO Police Station Jattli,
Petition 14 to 21 of 2013, over 70 applications 2oo7 to 2011, on line complaints
Subject: Serious Violation of Human Rights, All Laws Abolished , Killing of all legal heirs/ witnesses , Over 30 years research work on record.
Award of Rs 50 Millions: Cobra Ghafur | Nazeer Chaudhry
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19 Apr 2012 – msg84514.h http://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/links-sites-publications-2.... Posted 1 week ago by Nazeer Chaudhry...
Online complaints to CM, DG Anti Corruption, IP, RPO, DIG Rawalpindi cms120937, petition # 21 of 1/2/13 full evidence sent
Proofs on Record against Self-made DC-Numberdar Clerk Constable, Fraud, cheat, outlaws Qabza mafia Dacoit, thieves/ Thugs
8/5/12: In spite of over 4 visits to SHO Police Station Jattli, partitions 14 to 17 received by them, Inquiry officer Raja Nazeer appointed, moharar confirming the receipt, No FIR is being registered, New petition 21 of 3/2/13, new inquiry officer wants to start new killing of witnesses/destruction of evidence, Inquiry officer SI Aman Allah had mukmuka with thugs gang, no FIR yet. Cycle of killing restarts after each 4 years, Law of Jungle even doesn’t prevail, Qaroon-II biggest corrupt in Asia $2 trillions, Rs. 280 Trillions mafia dacoits have sold over 63% country , destroyed over 61 economy, 8th amendmen/18th amendment nurakhuti has destroyed all the hope of public, 1736 grade 20 and above illegal posts are given 9 years budget as life time perks, illegal mafia house looter of Rs 280 Trillion, the senate is not even present in illegal documents by traitors, half the assembly 150 members, human rights have been destroyed by illegal high court giving 20 % to corrupt looters who got 2100 % and 100 to 700 % last years. On line compliant to DCO Rawalpindi brought killing of senior Advocate on 28 March 2013, killers of 7.5 million digesting all the revenue are not showing revenues Rs. 17 trillion per year, land maps from survey of Pakistan dies- appeared in 1955/56, 1904 record burnt, fake heirs dead made alive, alive written dead, all legal heirs, witnesses layers were decided to be killed by registration of false/fake mutation 290 of 2005 at Guar Khan, all laws, Quran, Shariah, PLD? Pr decisions and all laws were abolished with destruction of DC system by NRB, FBR, Police, and Revenue in 2002.
1. Petition 14 of 16/1/2012 to CM Punjab, IG , RPO , CPO , Commissioner, DCO,Muhmmad Khan Ranjha Regional Director Anti Corruption, SHO Anti Corruption Rawalpindi, AC , Tehsildar , SHO Police Station Jattli Gujar Khan registered petition was received by them , Additional Commssioner sent petition to AC Gujar Khan information copy addressed at fake address Col. Nazeer Kauntrila gujar Khan received by me after 2 months. Petition 15 , 16 , 17 and letters/visit to Gujar Khan / Jattli . Moharar confirmed the receipt , inquiry officer told his name as Tanver Shah but Moharar gave his name as Raja Nazeer . No action
2. 5 July 2011 : Petition to honorable/professional Police Officer SI Abbass Shah SHO Jattli with full evidence, excellent police officer / inqiury offer suspended by 17/8 , letters to Commissioner , Dozen efforts to meet Excellency Patwari Kauntrila failed , Cobra Ghafur expert black magic killer and his terrorist brother , constable Jameel constable Aziz had hijacked old /sick lady Maqbol and she was killed on 30/8/11
2. Killing of all legal heirs /witnesses since Feb 2006 is continuing , Cobra Ghafur Thug gang has mutation 290 of 2005 of 4canal non existing land of his grandmother Fazlian , he has apponited 6 grandmothers , 6 grand fatheers , over dozen fathers , over 6 grand fathers to occupy over 250 canals of my lands
3.All court orders , all documents have been rejected by thug cobra gang. Stay Order by Civil Court Gujar Khan Chaudhry Waris Javid of Feb 2009 , Advocate Raja Tanvir , Mushi Arshad & Adnan was rejected by out law constable Clerk gang , Cobra Ghafur exPTCL Clerk assuming as grade 17 Revenue officer /thug constable Aziz gang has got it converted to case 170 of 2010, the court of Chaudhry Asim Hafiz was invented after 2 years
4. The false staement by Raja Amin on behalf of Thugs/Cobras of 7/2009 is on the record.Ghafur and Aziz have over dozen fake documents , Crime is on record concering mutations 3234-3241 of 2007 Kauntrila Gujar Khan
5. Thugs have rejected Quran , Shariat , all law, they have invented fake letter 138/HC /of 1/3/2007 claiming finishing of all legal heirship rites of women , finishing all share/ mutations of legal heirs
6.Full proof exist against Thugs using fake parents , fake grand parents from Mohra Kunial , Dhok Mughlan / other persons names from Hafial.
7. All frauds by Numberdar Zaman finished after 21 cases of fraud against him vide mutation 970 of 1967 when Hashmat Begum sister of M Hassan was registered as residury , M Hassan dies in 9/1948 and Shariat Act IX of 1948 was effective wef 15/3/1948
8. Thugs assumed as 3 dead /killed witnesses and got Khewat 526 of 1970/71 mixing land of Shahwali 1/3 =32 canalas, 1/6 share of Amir Baz , 1/6 share of Dewan Bee total 13-6 hence 32+13-6 = 45-6 + 13-6 of Iman Ali + 13-6 of Dost Muhammad = 71-18 was evoled as land equal to Qabzas / occupation by killers 3735 mohra Kunial , 3757, 3757/1 , 3758, 3760, 3780, 6325, 5941, 5947, 5948, 6503, 6517, 6519, 6773, 6561, 6735, 6335, 6402, 6709, 5987, 6454, 6529, 6817, etc illegal occupations , 6663, 6665 , 6662 grave yards , 6452 waterpool , 6453 school , was khusra number mixed with distributed land of Shawali s/o Shahbaz making khewat 182 canals.
9. Cobra Ghafur has invented new land 3751 =3-16 , written 13-16 invented 10 canals , 6918 5-12 written 15-12 invented 10 canals , returned stolemn khusra 6273 new is 6773 =2-5,
11. Returned stolen 6643 new attached 6443 =1-2
12, returned stolen 6660, 6917, 6654 new attached 3752=0-11
13 Baghbari ( Bughro) Mohra Khutreel w/o Imman Ali died in 1952 , new invented is Shah Begum w/o Sarwar d/o M Hassan , mother of Aziz Hamid , Ari , Mubarik Ali , Seman Begum , invented Nazir Ahmad Khan Mughal Dhok Mughlian Khewat 543 = 14-5 , Previous fraud was Waterpool 6452, school 6453 , grave yards
14. Bughro thus spared wass picked up another Baghbari ( Bagho) sister of Akbar husband of Phulan . Cobra Ghafur found Phulan Lohari ( khusra 6503) , Phulan , Norian, Ashraf,Ghlan , Aziza Fareda , Zarda all dubplicate names from Mohra Kunial using Khusra number 3735, 6707, 5987 etc,
15. Seperate land since 1904 of cobra Ghafur is 12 Acres and 15 Qitiats
1 3750, 6400, 6401, 6403, 6632/1, 1/66 6452 (1-13)
2. 3737, 3771 3. 6103 4. 6278, 6279, 5.6386,
6. 6404 ( 2-13) 7. 6443, 6444, 8. 6532, 6534, 9.6580 10. 6634 , 11. 6642 13. 6659 ; 14.6661 ; 15. 6668. 16 6922
17. 5941, 5947, 5958 Zaman Lohar grand father -4 of Cobra , Cobra Ghafur claims 7 & Aziz claims 7 new fathers Zaman Lohar , Zaman Ali , Sufi M Zaman , Imam Ali , Imam Din Haial,Imam Din Mohra Kunial Dost Muhammad s/o Shah Baz , Dost Muhammad s/o m Ali , Actual fraud is Shawali s/o Shahbaz borther / grandfather of Aziz
18 , half dozen grang mothers have been invented by cobra Ghafur 6503, phlan lohari, 6707/5987 bhulan mother of safgar d/o norian , phulan mistery grand mother mister azad s/o sakena new 3rd mother of ghafur ,
19 Men/women , live /dead doesn't matter cobra ghafur has mistery azad s/o sakena , m azad husband of sakena , azad begum w/o majeed s/o sarwar s/o ghulam nabi muhra kunial as his 3 new mothers ,
cobras have 3 fake set of land equal to their hidden land
20 mutation, 290 of 2005 , mutation 1999 of 1987, khewat 556 , 557 , 552 , mutation 1422 of 1976 all finished rauds have been revived by killing contractors revenue/ polic killers
Fix your eyes forward on what you can do, not back on what you cannot change." - Tom Clancy, Author
Let us join together to act for humanity ; no country , no religion but labor/poor must get atleast half a bread per day . Swines/ Cobras get away with income of one year in one night , their corruption is 1200 % , you might be surprised how one can get $1200 out of $ 100 but Polluted Pirates of Public & Private assets know it Tripple Black : Black Coat, Black Deed and Black Chamber outlaws/public killers terrorists Liars/Devils even killer of 1000 Sikh Leaders sold at senate seat of Rs 30crores thought to be respectable is pissing at the face of full court bench , The cheat/fraud who had tag of humen rights in her neck sold at $ 5m has barked well telling that humen right for labors/ poor/ public are different from rulers
It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases. Friedrich Schiller
Tout ce que vous avez besoin de savoir sur Nazeer Chaudhry: Experience professionnelle,Education,Amis,Photo,Email,Téléphone...
Some of Favorite Quotes
“Always there are three courses open to your enemy but he usually takes the 4th course to attack” Moltke
Fame and fortune are nothing if you’re not happy and healthy: Erika Sleazy
A faithful friend is a strong defense; and he that hath found him hath found a treasure: Louisa May Alcott
“The scientists split the atom; now the atom is splitting us: Quentin Reynolds
It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases. Friedrich Schiller
Great minds have purposes; others have wishes. : Washington Irving
We should measure welfare’s success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added: Ronald Reagan
The root of the evil... lay not in corruption but in the system which bred it, the alliance between industrialists and politicians which produced benefits in the form of tariffs, public lands, and federal subsidies: Samuel P Hays
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. : Robert Louis Stevenson
In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
All warfare is based on deception. Sun Tzu
“Customer is always right , No arguments “, Bill Gate ;Microsoft
“Poor management means becoming more concerned with status than with people” , Max author of Leadership is an Art
“It looks like we have a live son of bitch here” Charles from ‘Spy who saved the World’
“It is good thing to have two ways of looking at the subject and to admit that there are two ways of looking at it “James C. Maxwell
Protect children ,women, handicapped and elders , worship places , faiths of all even during the war" Al Quran
No comments on faiths/religions of others " Prophet Muhammad PBUH
“State must have a religion but controlled by the state “ Napoleon
Get the facts first then twist them as you like. – Napoleon
History is fable agreed by historian. – Napoleon
"Consider what is said don’t bother who said it" Hazrat Ali
“ mia di khusum ta ve pase da ahtibar na hi”
“Never trust even husband of your mother in your private money matters” Taro who lost her father with new mother and lost her husband to his new wife
“Friend in need is real friend” “Any one who spares his time to criticize you might be your real friend”
“Prayers by your mother is your real asset”
Technical skills are key to success and men without skills are like Ass” Punjabi Adverb “
“ Three greatest leaders are founder of 3 major religions “ Nixon “ in Leaders
“ Unity , Faith and disciple are key to success “ Quaid –i-Azam
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein
“ The corruption is mother of all evil” Unknown Friend
Human is complex creature with many curtains on the face giving different response in different situation” English Prof. Bhatti commenting on my book ‘Face Reading’
Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry
Independent Researcher from Pakistan
Author & Researcher: Decryption of Harappan Ciphers 1st successful solution in a century
President TPI Inc., President IT Genetics , Manager Asia Women Global Justice Group , Chairman Welfare Committee,
Profile: http://nazeerchaudhry.blogspot.com/2010/11/nazeer-ahmad-chaudhry.html
Nazeer Chaudhry - Directory | Linkedin: http://pk.linkedin.com/in/nazeerbhatti52
Profile: Nazeer Chaudhry: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/edit?id=84574549&trk=hb_tab_pro...
TPI has offered over 0.5 million free predicted solutions at all levels. Integrated solution based on Borderland Sciences, cryptanalysis, forecasting techniques Delphi, Scenarios and multi scenarios, war gaming and other spiritual techniques. We attach no claim with free predicted solutions. Error correction techniques and analysis may be carried out by users.
An analysis might be carried out if I can be of any use for establishing global peace by ending terrorism. I have been subjected to over 30 killing attacks, killing of over 10 members of my family and losses in millions. I have given details at petitions at Care-2, Peace pink, yahoo and other comments. Mega project research work aimed at establishing peace and security at global level by ending terrorism. I desire global board of directors sponsored by UNO to come forward for benefits of all.
I offer 1st decryption of Harappan Scripts in a century; the decrypted secrets not yet published have solution to many problems. The strategic location of Pakistan offer global trading of $ 7.5 billion per year to global community, oil and gas trading of over $ 15 trillions. I have been trained by over 250 foreign telecomm firms; I had lot of interaction with my friends from many countries as class fellows, R&D Engineer at Research Establishment, visit to Thailand, Ministry of Interior Saudi Arabia Border Guards, as operational engineer, as Zonal Manager of NGO and service in the army. I have given lot of material at Internet. My friends , colleagues , group members and others can carry out an analysis of mega project including integrated energy , renewable energy , befouls , safety and security of global trading, safe train link, herbal foods , new employments , new concepts in housing , overhauling of education systems , innovations and integration of new global technologies and many others.. We must establish an accountability system to stop official terrorists and corrupt gangs failing all the global projects.
Mega Project: Problems in offering Global Solutions
The establishment of global peace and stability by ending terrorism has been delayed due to 30 killing attacks on me, killing of 10 members of my family, loss in millions, terrorists attack on 3 sick and crippled women of 3 families, 11 of witnesses and me. Petitions have been registered. May I request global peace lovers to sign the petitions; they may not display their names.
Ending Terrorism: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/ending-terrorism/
Cracking of Killing Mafia & Destruction of Evidence: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/cracking-of-killing-mafia-protecti...
Cracking of Terrorist Gang: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/2/cracking-of-terrorists-gang/
New Killing Technologies: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/end-to-innovative-killing-technolo...
Global Protection of Records: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/proof-against-actual-terrorists/
Protect yourself: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/7/protect-yourself/
Actual Terrorists: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/destruction-of-revenue-records/
Countering Abusers& Mental Destroyers: http://soleilmavis.ning.com/forum/topics/countering-abusers-mental
Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry page Peace Pink: http://peacepink.ning.com/profile/NazeerAhmadChaudhry101?xg_source=...
My Yahoo Page: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/User:Nazeer_Ahmad_Chaudhry
Research Interests Nazeer ’s fundamental research is on discovering and understanding the problems and offering free solutions by forecasting/prediction through economic, social, organizational and technical interactions and techniques evolved through TPI Inc. Over 0.5 million free solutions have been offered at all level but aim of ending terrorism, corruption and prevention of fraud at any level has yet to achieve. Research Projects • Research in any field that can give protection to mankind from fraud, terrorism and human right protection. • Ethno-archaeological Model on Harappan Ciphers: Decryption of Harappan Cipher is over 30 years research project, the 1st successful cryptanalysis in the century • Axiomatic Education Strategy for 21st Century • Prevention of Fraud: Nazeer and his wife Hamida are heir to the lands & property of about 7 families hence an effort underground had been going on for killing of every member of this family. It is very interesting research work scanning the centuries how people slaughter others to become landlords by using fraud and terrorism. • Security and public policy was forced on Nazeer to accept almost all responsibilities in Home County being heir to 7 people. He suffered over 30 killing attacks, killing of 10 members of his family by the snakes brought up by them; the relatives of his step mother.
Contents[hide] |
B.Sc. Telecomm Engineering, B Sc Honors, Technical Graduate NUST-EME, LLB, PEC, MIE Pak, IEEEP, IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE- ISST
MBA , M. Phil. Electronics Engineering , MA , Cryptology NUST-MCS , Arabic AIOU , Ph D Total Technology approved researcher Bradford
Computers: Student Member IEEE USA (1994-95), Manager Army Computer Clubs at Okara and Hyderabad, Teaching Staff National Institute of Computer Sciences Rawalpindi (1995)
Decryption of Indus Valley Scripts has been my research work since last 30 years .This is 1st successful decryption in a century. Dani had confirmed the decryption in 2005 though 1st script was decrypted in 1995 when Secure MIS high security high compression book draft was approved by Artech House USA and Dorrance Publishers USA approved the draft for publication both books not yet published. Rolex Award also approved the research for an award.
B.B. Lal , Russian Professors , and US Scholars Farmer , Sprout , Fair Service, Mark , Durani , F.A. Khan, Mughal and many conclusions of the decryption supported by many other scholars through their written work.
[edit] Publications:
ชอมสกี Nazeer อาหมัด
นางสาวยิ่งลักษณ์ชินวัตรนายกรัฐมนตรีของไทยในระหว่างการเยือนของเธอที่ประสบความสำเร็จไปยังปากีสถานบ้านเกิดของพุทธศาสนาได้ประกาศการค้าที่เพิ่มขึ้น 2billions # เธอได้รับการประสบความสำเร็จมากนักธุรกิจหญิงที่นักการเมืองและคนสุดท้องของนายกรัฐมนตรีใน 60 ปี เธอเป็นผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิในการบริหารและซีอีโอที่ได้รับประธานและ MD ของ บริษัท ต่างๆก่อนการเลือกตั้งเป็น PM 4 ปีระยะ มีหลายสาขาเช่นการท่องเที่ยว, หินมีค่า, วัฒนธรรม, ประเพณี, พลังงาน, และอื่น ๆ ที่เราสามารถใช้ร่วมกับประเทศไทย ฉันหวังว่าสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกมากมายสำหรับการท่องเที่ยวที่ฉันเห็นในปี 1995 จะต้องมีการปรับปรุงจำนวนมากภายใต้ที่มีคุณภาพสูง, มีความกระตือรือร้นและมีประสบการณ์ PM นางสาวยิ่งลักษณ์ ประเทศไทยเป็นประเทศที่สวยงามที่เรียกว่าดินแดนแห่งรอยยิ้มและได้รับพรสวรรค์ด้วยสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวที่น่าตื่นตาตื่นใจ ปากีสถานหุ้นส่วนผสมที่ยอดเยี่ยมของวัฒนธรรมประเพณีมรดกและสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวทางประวัติศาสตร์ นิกสันในการเป็นผู้นำยกพระพุทธรูปเป็นหนึ่งในผู้นำที่ยิ่งใหญ่ที่สุดในหมู่ผู้ก่อตั้งทั้งสามของศาสนาที่สำคัญ พุทธศาสนาเริ่มจากหุบเขาที่มีชื่อเสียงของงูตักศิลาใกล้กรุงอิสลามาบัดใน 600 BC มีมรดกทางวัฒนธรรมที่ยอดเยี่ยมแม้ว่าสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกสำหรับนักท่องเที่ยวและการรักษาวีไอพีพิเศษเพื่อการท่องเที่ยวที่ประเทศไทยเป็นที่พึงปรารถนาที่หลายสถานที่และในหลายประเทศ ประกาศและลงนามในบันทึกความเข้าใจจะสนับสนุนต่อสันติภาพของโลกและเสถียรภาพถ้าทรัพยากรโลกมีการบูรณาการที่จะนำเสนอที่ดีที่สุดของการรักษาให้กับนักท่องเที่ยวเช่นการท่องเที่ยวของประเทศไทย มันต้องใช้จำนวนมากของความพยายามที่จะได้รับกรเป็นโครงการที่อยู่บนพื้นดินกดและสื่อสถานทูตนักท่องเที่ยวและประชาคมโลกจะต้องให้ความร่วมมือในการคุ้มครองของนักท่องเที่ยวและคนอื่น ๆ เป็นสินทรัพย์ทั่วโลก
ผมเคารพผู้นำที่ยิ่งใหญ่ทั้งหมด, มรดกทางวัฒนธรรม, ศิลปิน, นักวิจัย, นักลงทุนทั่วโลก, ท่องเที่ยวเป็นสินทรัพย์ทั่วโลก ผมมีความเคารพที่ยิ่งใหญ่ที่สุดสำหรับชาวพุทธที่สงบ; หนึ่งของพระพุทธเจ้าบอกว่าเขาได้รับแสงจากผู้ก่อตั้งของศาสนาอิสลาม หินวัฒนธรรมที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดอายุของ Sowan หุบเขาหุ้นประเภทภาษากับภาษาไทย ประเทศไทยเป็นหนึ่งในสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวชั้นนำของโลกและผู้เข้าชมจะได้รับที่ดีที่สุดของคำแนะนำการรักษาวีไอพี จากการเยี่ยมชมสถานที่เช่นที่น่าตื่นตาตื่นใจ Koi เกาะสมุยประวัติศาสตร์อยุธยาปาร์คหรือเพียงเพลิดเพลินกับการชมเมืองในเมืองที่คึกคักของกรุงเทพฯมีกลุ่มใหญ่ของสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวที่จะทำให้การท่องเที่ยวใด ๆ มีความสุขมากขึ้น ทัวร์แนะนำที่ดี Nina แนะนำผมในคิง S 'พระราชวังแสดงทุกอย่างในอิฐทองรายละเอียดเครื่องแต่งกายทองของพระพุทธรูปในวัดที่ยอดเยี่ยมแม้ quoting ราคา ทัวร์ไปยังโรงงานหินค่าใช้จ่ายก็เหมือนกับการไปเยือนวีไอพีบางรัฐ พัทยา, วัดชัยมงคลหาดดงตาลหาดตาแหวนหาดหมู่บ้านช้างพัทยา, มินิสยามและหาดนาเกลือยังมีสถานที่ที่ดีในการเยี่ยมชม เชียงใหม่เก่ามากสำหรับการท่องเที่ยวผจญภัยสถานที่เที่ยวชมสถานที่ประวัติศาสตร์อาจจะมีการประกาศให้เป็นฝาแฝดของเฮอริเทจตักศิลา 1 มหาวิทยาลัยและสถานที่ 1 ของพระพุทธศาสนา ตักศิลามรดกอาจรวมถึงการจัดเรียงของฟาร์มออชาร์ด, น้ำตกแม่สา ต. แม่ Se แสดงช้างจังหวัดเชียงใหม่และวัดแม่สาฟาร์มผีเสื้อสถานที่ในประเทศไทย ศาสนาพบมากที่สุดคือพระพุทธศาสนาเถรวาท กลุ่มไทยพุทธในหมู่สูงที่สุดในโลก อ้างอิงถึงการสำรวจสำมะโนประชากรครั้งสุดท้าย (2000) 94.6% ของประชากรทั้งหมดเป็นชาวพุทธของเถรวาทประเพณี ชาวมุสลิมเป็นสองกลุ่มศาสนาที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในประเทศไทยที่ 4.6%. [1] [78] วัฒนธรรมไทยรูปโดยได้รับอิทธิพลหลายชนิดรวมทั้งอินเดีย, ลาว, พม่า, กัมพูชาและจีน เราสามารถให้ความร่วมมือกับประเทศไทยในการพัฒนาของการท่องเที่ยวเป็นอุตสาหกรรมการปรับปรุงสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกสำหรับพุทธศาสนาซิกข์และอื่น ๆ สำหรับสถานที่ทางศาสนาของพวกเขาและคนอื่น ๆ สำหรับมรดกทางวัฒนธรรมที่ร่ำรวยที่สุดและยิ่งใหญ่ที่สุดในปากีสถานข้างที่น่าตื่นเต้นมากที่ยอดเยี่ยมและสวยงาม สันติภาพโครงการเมกะทั่วโลกสำหรับการป้องกันของนักลงทุนทั่วโลก, การคุ้มครองของเส้นทางการค้าทั่วโลก, การป้องกันจากการท่องเที่ยว, การคุ้มครองของศิลปิน, นักแสดง, นักวิจัยเกี่ยวกับสัมปทานพิเศษมรดกให้และสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกที่มีมากกว่า 30 การทำงานของฉันปีในการวิจัย ประเทศไทยมี GDP สหรัฐคุ้มค่า $ 602,000,000,000 (เมื่อเท่าเทียมกันของอำนาจซื้อ (PPP) พื้นฐาน) นี้จัดให้ประเทศไทยเป็นเศรษฐกิจใหญ่อันดับ 2 ในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้หลังจากที่อินโดนีเซีย อย่างไรก็ตามเรื่องนี้ประเทศไทยจัดตรงกลางในการแพร่กระจายความมั่งคั่งในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ในขณะที่มันเป็นประเทศที่ร่ำรวยที่สุด 4 ตาม GDP ต่อหัวหลังจากที่สิงคโปร์, บรูไนและมาเลเซีย ฉันอาจจะขอให้ไทยและสื่อมวลชนสื่อในการเผยแพร่บทความของฉัน? สันติภาพโลกโครงการเมกะสามารถให้ 7000000000 $ ล้านล้านไปเราต้องการเพียง 20% สำหรับทายาทและกระดานทีพีไออิงค์ ฯลฯ หนึ่งไม่อาจจะแก้ไข / ผู้เขียนร่วมของบทความของฉันคุณสามารถลบแก้ไขถ้าจำเป็น ทุกคนสามารถเข้าร่วมกลุ่มของฉัน
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P̄hū̂nả thī̀ yìng h̄ıỵ̀ k̄hxng pratheṣ̄ thī̀ s̄wyngām
Chxm s̄kī Nazeer xā h̄mạd
Nāngs̄āw yìng lạks̄ʹṇ̒ chin wạtr nāykrạṭ̄hmntrī k̄hxng thịy nı rah̄ẁāng kār yeụ̄xn k̄hxng ṭhex thī̀ pras̄b khwām s̄ảrĕc pị yạng pākīs̄t̄hān b̂ān keid k̄hxng phuthṭh ṣ̄ās̄nā dị̂ prakāṣ̄ kār kĥā thī̀ pheìm k̄hụ̂n 2billions# Ṭhex dị̂ rạb kār pras̄b khwām s̄ảrĕc māk nạk ṭhurkic h̄ỵing thī̀ nạkkārmeụ̄xng læa khn s̄udtĥxng k̄hxng nāykrạṭ̄hmntrī nı 60 pī Ṭhex pĕn p̄hū̂thrng khuṇwutʹhi nı kār brih̄ār læa sī xī xo thī̀ dị̂ rạb praṭhān læa MD k̄hxng bris̄ʹạth t̀āng«k̀xn kār leụ̄xktậng pĕn PM 4 pī raya Mī h̄lāy s̄āk̄hā chèn kār th̀xngtheī̀yw, h̄in mī kh̀ā, wạtʹhnṭhrrm, prapheṇī, phlạngngān, læa xụ̄̀n «thī̀ reā s̄āmārt̄h chı̂ r̀wm kạb pratheṣ̄thịy C̄hạn h̄wạng ẁā s̄ìng xảnwy khwām s̄adwk mākmāy s̄ảh̄rạb kār th̀xngtheī̀yw thī̀ c̄hạn h̄ĕn nı pī 1995 ca t̂xng mī kār prạbprung cảnwn māk p̣hāy tı̂ thī̀ mī khuṇp̣hāph s̄ūng, mī khwām kratụ̄xrụ̄xr̂n læa mī pras̄bkārṇ̒ PM nāngs̄āw yìng lạks̄ʹṇ̒ Pratheṣ̄thịy pĕn pratheṣ̄ thī̀ s̄wyngām thī̀ reīyk ẁā din dæn h̄æ̀ng rxy yîm læa dị̂ rạb phrs̄wrrkh̒ d̂wy s̄t̄hān thī̀ th̀xngtheī̀yw thī̀ ǹā tụ̄̀ntātụ̄̀ncı Pākīs̄t̄hān h̄ûn s̄̀wnp̄hs̄m thī̀ yxd yeī̀ym k̄hxng wạtʹhnṭhrrm prapheṇī mrdk læa s̄t̄hān thī̀ th̀xngtheī̀yw thāng prawạtiṣ̄ās̄tr̒ Ni k s̄ạn nı kār pĕn p̄hū̂nả yk phraphuthṭh rūp pĕn h̄nụ̀ng nı p̄hū̂nả thī̀ yìng h̄ıỵ̀ thī̀s̄ud nı h̄mū̀ p̄hū̂ k̀xtậng thậng s̄ām k̄hxng ṣ̄ās̄nā thī̀ s̄ảkhạỵ Phuthṭh ṣ̄ās̄nā reìm cāk h̄ubk̄heā thī̀ mīchụ̄̀xs̄eīyng k̄hxng ngū tạk ṣ̄ilā kıl̂ krung xis̄lāmābạd nı 600 BC mī mrdk thāng wạtʹhnṭhrrm thī̀ yxd yeī̀ym mæ̂ẁā s̄ìng xảnwy khwām s̄adwk s̄ảh̄rạb nạkth̀xngtheī̀yw læa kār rạks̄ʹā wī xị phī phiṣ̄es̄ʹ pheụ̄̀x kār th̀xngtheī̀yw thī̀ pratheṣ̄thịy pĕn thī̀ phụng prārt̄hnā thī̀ h̄lāy s̄t̄hān thī̀ læa nı h̄lāy pratheṣ̄ Prakāṣ̄ læa lng nām nı bạnthụk khwām k̄hêācı ca s̄nạbs̄nun t̀x s̄ạntip̣hāph k̄hxng lok læa s̄et̄hīyrp̣hāph t̄ĥā thrạphyākr lok mī kā rbū rṇā kār thī̀ ca nả s̄enx thī̀ dī thī̀s̄ud k̄hxng kār rạks̄ʹā h̄ı̂ kạb nạkth̀xngtheī̀yw chèn kār th̀xngtheī̀yw k̄hxng pratheṣ̄thịy Mạn t̂xng chı̂ cảnwn māk k̄hxng khwām phyāyām thī̀ ca dị̂ rạb kr pĕn khorngkār thī̀ xyū̀ bn phụ̄̂n din kd læa s̄ụ̄̀x s̄t̄hān thūt nạkth̀xngtheī̀yw læa prachākhm lok ca t̂xng h̄ı̂ khwām r̀wmmụ̄x nı kār khûmkhrxng k̄hxng nạkth̀xngtheī̀yw læa khn xụ̄̀n «pĕn s̄inthrạphy̒ thạ̀w lok
P̄hm kheārph p̄hū̂nả thī̀ yìng h̄ıỵ̀ thậngh̄md, mrdk thāng wạtʹhnṭhrrm, ṣ̄ilpin, nạk wicạy, nạk lngthun thạ̀w lok, th̀xngtheī̀yw pĕn s̄inthrạphy̒ thạ̀w lok P̄hm mī khwām kheārph thī̀ yìng h̄ıỵ̀ thī̀s̄ud s̄ảh̄rạb chāw phuthṭh thī̀ s̄ngb; h̄nụ̀ng k̄hxng phraphuthṭhcêā bxk ẁā k̄heā dị̂ rạb s̄æng cāk p̄hū̂ k̀xtậng k̄hxng ṣ̄ās̄nā xis̄lām H̄in wạtʹhnṭhrrm thī̀ kèā kæ̀ thī̀s̄ud xāyu k̄hxng Sowan h̄ubk̄heā h̄ûn prap̣heth p̣hās̄ʹā kạb p̣hās̄ʹā thịy Pratheṣ̄thịy pĕn h̄nụ̀ng nı s̄t̄hān thī̀ th̀xngtheī̀yw chận nả k̄hxng lok læa p̄hū̂ k̄hêā chm ca dị̂ rạb thī̀ dī thī̀s̄ud k̄hxng khả næanả kār rạks̄ʹā wī xị phī Cāk kār yeī̀ym chm s̄t̄hān thī̀ chèn thī̀ ǹā tụ̄̀ntātụ̄̀ncı Koi keāas̄muy prawạtiṣ̄ās̄tr̒ xyuṭhyā pār̒kh h̄rụ̄x pheīyng phelidphelin kạb kār chm meụ̄xng nı meụ̄xng thī̀ khụkkhạk k̄hxng krungtheph‡ mī klùm h̄ıỵ̀ k̄hxng s̄t̄hā nthī̀ th̀xngtheī̀yw thī̀ ca thảh̄ı̂ kār th̀xngtheī̀yw dı «mī khwām s̄uk̄h māk k̄hụ̂n Thạwr̒ næanả thī̀ dī Nina næanả p̄hm nı khing S'phrarāchwạng s̄ædng thuk xỳāng nı xiṭ̄h thxng rāy laxeīyd kherụ̄̀xng tæ̀ng kāy thxng k̄hxng phraphuthṭh rūp nı wạd thī̀ yxd yeī̀ym mæ̂ quoting rākhā Thạwr̒ pị yạng rongngān h̄in kh̀ā chı̂ c̀āy k̆ h̄emụ̄xnkạb kār pị yeụ̄xn wī xị phī bāng rạṭ̄h Phạthyā, wạd chạymngkhl h̄ād dng tāl h̄ād tāh̄æwn h̄ād h̄mū̀b̂ān cĥāng phạthyā, mi ni s̄yām læa h̄ād nā kelụ̄x yạng mī s̄t̄hān thī̀ thī̀ dī nı kār yeī̀ym chm Cheīyngh̄ım̀ kèā māk s̄ảh̄rạb kār th̀xngtheī̀yw p̄hcỵ p̣hạy s̄t̄hān thī̀ theī̀yw chm s̄t̄hān thī̀ prawạtiṣ̄ās̄tr̒ xāc ca mī kār prakāṣ̄ h̄ı̂ pĕn f̄āf̄æd k̄hxng ḥex ri the c tạk ṣ̄ilā 1 mh̄āwithyālạy læa s̄t̄hān thī̀ 1 k̄hxng phraphuthṭh ṣ̄ās̄nā Tạk ṣ̄ilā mrdk xāc rwm t̄hụng kār cạd reīyng k̄hxng fār̒m xx chār̒d, n̂ảtk mæ̀ s̄ā t. Mæ̀ Se s̄ædng cĥāng cạngh̄wạd cheīyngh̄ım̀ læa wạd mæ̀ s̄ā fār̒m p̄hīs̄eụ̄̂x s̄t̄hān thī̀ nı pratheṣ̄thịy Ṣ̄ās̄nā phb māk thī̀s̄ud khụ̄x phraphuthṭh ṣ̄ās̄nā t̄herwāth Klùm thịy phuthṭh nı h̄mū̀ s̄ūng thī̀s̄ud nı lok X̂āngxing t̄hụng kār s̄ảrwc s̄ảmanoprachākr khrậng s̄udtĥāy (2000) 94.6% K̄hxng prachākr thậngh̄md pĕn chāw phuthṭh k̄hxng t̄herwāth prapheṇī Chāw mus̄lim pĕn s̄xng klùm ṣ̄ās̄nā thī̀ h̄ıỵ̀ thī̀s̄ud nı pratheṣ̄thịy thī̀ 4.6%. [1] [78] Wạtʹhnṭhrrm thịy rūp doy dị̂ rạb xithṭhiphl h̄lāy chnid rwm thậng xindeīy, lāw, phm̀ā, kạmphūchā læa cīn Reā s̄āmārt̄h h̄ı̂ khwām r̀wmmụ̄x kạb pratheṣ̄thịy nı kār phạtʹhnā k̄hxng kār th̀xngtheī̀yw pĕn xuts̄āh̄krrm kār prạbprung s̄ìng xảnwy khwām s̄adwk s̄ảh̄rạb phuthṭh ṣ̄ās̄nā sik k̄h̒ læa xụ̄̀n «s̄ảh̄rạb s̄t̄hān thī̀thāng ṣ̄ās̄nā k̄hxng phwk k̄heā læa khn xụ̄̀n «s̄ảh̄rạb mrdk thāng wạtʹhnṭhrrm thī̀ r̀ảrwy thī̀s̄ud læa yìng h̄ıỵ̀ thī̀s̄ud nı pākīs̄t̄hān k̄ĥāng thī̀ ǹā tụ̄̀ntên māk thī̀ yxd yeī̀ym læa s̄wyngām S̄ạntip̣hāph khorngkār meka thạ̀w lok s̄ảh̄rạb kār p̂xngkạn k̄hxng nạk lngthun thạ̀w lok, kār khûmkhrxng k̄hxng s̄ênthāngkār kĥā thạ̀w lok, kār p̂xngkạn cāk kār th̀xngtheī̀yw, kār khûmkhrxng k̄hxng ṣ̄ilpin, nạk s̄ædng, nạk wicạy keī̀yw kạb s̄ạmpthān phiṣ̄es̄ʹ mrdk h̄ı̂ læa s̄ìng xảnwy khwām s̄adwk thī̀ mī mākkẁā 30 kār thảngān k̄hxng c̄hạn pī nı kār wicạy Pratheṣ̄thịy mī GDP s̄h̄rạṭ̄h khûm kh̀ā $ 602,000,000,000 (meụ̄̀x thèātheīym kạn k̄hxng xảnāc sụ̄̂x (PPP) phụ̄̂nṭ̄hān) Nī̂ cạd h̄ı̂ pratheṣ̄thịy pĕn ṣ̄ers̄ʹṭ̄hkic h̄ıỵ̀ xạndạb 2 nı xecheīy tawạnxxk c̄heīyng tı̂ h̄lạngcāk thī̀ xindonīseīy Xỳāngrịk̆tām reụ̄̀xng nī̂ pratheṣ̄thịy cạd trng klāng nı kār phær̀ kracāy khwām mạ̀ngkhạ̀ng nı xecheīy tawạnxxk c̄heīyng tı̂ nı k̄hṇa thī̀ mạn pĕn pratheṣ̄ thī̀ r̀ảrwy thī̀s̄ud 4 tām GDP t̀x h̄ạw h̄lạngcāk thī̀ s̄ingkhpor̒, brūnị læa māleseīy C̄hạn xāc ca k̄hx h̄ı̂ thịy læa s̄ụ̄̀xmwlchn s̄ụ̄̀x nı kār p̄heyphær̀ bthkhwām k̄hxng c̄hạn? S̄ạntip̣hāph lok khorngkār meka s̄āmārt̄h h̄ı̂ 7000000000 $ l̂ān l̂ān pị reā t̂xngkār pheīyng 20% s̄ảh̄rạb thāyāth læa kradān thī phī xị xingkh̒ ‡l‡ h̄nụ̀ng mị̀ xāc ca kæ̂k̄hị/ p̄hū̂ k̄heīyn r̀wm k̄hxng bthkhwām k̄hxng c̄hạn khuṇ s̄āmārt̄h lb kæ̂k̄hị t̄ĥā cảpĕn Thuk khn s̄āmārt̄h k̄hêā r̀wm klùm k̄hxng c̄hạn
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Re: Http://Www.Scribd.Com/doc/119087715/Profile-Nazeer-Ahmad-Chaudhry
E-mail: Nazeerchaudhry1@gmail.Com LinkedIn, s̄mud h̄n̂ā: Chxm Nazeer khn xụ̄̀n « : H̄n̂ā h̄nạngs̄ụ̄x, Twitter, LinkedIn læa Naymzs.Com thī̀ e-mail: Nazeer-chaudhry2@hotmail.Com læa xụ̄̀n «thī̀ nazeerchaudhry@yahoo.Com
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Solution of Energy Crisis-1
Engineer Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry.
Please correct the statistics from given link. Pakistan is producing 30 % hydroelectric 28 MW shown 5 mw, power losses 19 % have been increased 21 %, 34 % from natural gas 30 mw, nuclear 3 Mw has been reduced to 1.6 Mw, 0.1 % coal energy is 13 Mw About 80 Mw is exclusive free right of energy departments their friends, neighbors, grade 20 and above even retired, many of departments, mafia gangs in power and others. About 65 Mw gone we are left with 15 Mw but our demand is 22Mw, , we can show 20 mw as losses and free given hence we have pay in Punjab 11 times of the cost , , Rs. 500 billion is right of our rulers shown hydel as IPP can give this amount . We are requesting to meet the short fall by using 160 mw of bio, wind, hydel green energy and many other types. Details were given to PM Jamali and 37 departments came up eating 15 billions. TPI Inc board gave free solution to finish crises in 3 month to ex PM, President, and new ones
Excellency Mian Niwaz has given the great news during his long awaited address to the nation to finish Energy crisis in 5 years and we are sure that our great leader with special experience o 3rd term would do it. Sheikh Saadi with his Ass requested owner of one room house to let him stay a night. My wife is delivery case and we have just one room the man replied. “I would give you ‘taveez’, the delivery would be just easy and painless, just fasten this on outside tree. Delivery was easy and painless and guest with Ass spent winter night sharing the room. Man was very happy at correct decision but he wanted to read what was written on ‘taveez’ He was shocked to read after few days, “I want place for myself and my ass, your wife gives birth or not it is not my concern. Our Wada Peer Yousifi is worth reading time and again but “Gudhay Ki Vapsi “ is great decision making my Moti Lal adopting his son in law though evergreen father in need is established decision by all. We block code cryptanalysis often confuse the readers even our Peer Atta ul Haq Qasmi. Sir ‘gahdi’ is code for Bella VP Speed Punches Inc. protecting heavy load of corruption Rs 55 trillion and $ 26 million each for our Mosad killers of BB, Sikander has lost to one 28th, ‘Walay’ is lion club, Peer is perhaps your grandfather Spiritualist and Hakeem from Bhera who would even tell that meat you had eaten was he or she goat? My face reading book was published in 2000 but secret had to be kept for 30 years meaning another 30 years unless SVP Clara gives sanction. “Us tad was our great analysis Atta Ul Haq Qasmi, Perhaps he used our Peer his grandfather or Clara did it format hard disk of my brain and kicking out all of poetry, just few of Us tad Qasmi “Yah jo act kurti ho dil pay direct affect kurtiho, mar lo lifty akalay hee, mujmay ko kuo collect kurtay hoh, dil Atta to wounded hay paylayhee, esay oor kuo bisect kurtay hoo.
We can never dare to over rule by Maya Wati as quoted our Wada Peer Yousifi But we have few suggestions though MQM, JUI, FATA members, Lotus, horses, Qabza gangs, mafia, and inducted fake degree stuff in over 2000 grade 20 and above with everything free equal to 9 years of our annual income have hundred of advisors/ manager even for one post.
We have Joke of the day for good decision making
The manager of a large corporation may be electric got a heart attack, and the doctor told him to go for several weeks to a farm to relax. The guy went to a farm, and after a couple of days he was very bored, so he asked the farmer to give him some job to do.
The farmer told him to clean the shit of the cows. The farmer thought that to somebody coming from the city, working the whole life sitting in an office, it will take over a week to finish the job, but for his surprise the manager finished the job in less than one day.
The next day the farmer gave to the manager a more difficult job: to cut the heads of 500 chickens. The farmer was sure that the manager will not be able to do the job, but at the end of the day the job was done.
The next morning, as most of the jobs in the farm were done, the farmer asked the manager to divide a bag of potatoes in two boxes: one box with small potatoes, and one box with big potatoes. At the end of the day the farmer saw that the manager was sitting in front of the potatoes bag, but the two boxes were empty.
The farmer asked the manager: "How is that you made such difficult jobs during the first days, and now you cannot do this simple job?"
The manager answered: "Listen, all my life I'm cutting heads and dealing with shit, but now you ask me to make decisions.
We have little suggestion for decision makers for selection of advisors / managers
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason. Joke of the Day
What's the difference between a catfish and a lawyer? : One's a bottom-dwelling scum sucker and the other's just a fish.
Banker is the man who gives you an umbrella when it is clear but immediately takes it back when it is cloudy
Diplomat is politician who died 20 year ago; hence he must take his time and give no decision.
Solution to Energy Crisis-II
Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry
Mian Shahbaz Sharif has announced number of projects for solution of energy crisises. Best and quickest use of bio energy and we have given full plan to finsh crises in 3 months.
Thailand has a GDP worth US$602 billion (on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis). This classifies Thailand as the 2nd largest economy in Southeast Asia, after Indonesia. Despite this, Thailand ranks midway in the wealth spread in Southeast Asia as it is the 4th richest nation according to GDP per capita, after Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia. Prime Minster of Thailand Yingluck Shinawatra has visited Pakistan the Homeland of Buddhist and many announcements were also made. It requires lot of efforts to get the MOU s as projects on ground. She is very successful business women politician the youngest Prime Minster in 60 years. She is highly qualified in Public Administration and had been CEO, President and MD of various firms before election as PM for 4 years term. There are many fields like tourism, costly stones, culture, heritage, energy, and others in which we can share with Thailand. I hope many facilities for tourist those I saw in 1995 must have improved a lot under highly qualified , energetic and experienced youngest P M Yingluck Thailand , the beautiful called the Land of Smiles has been gifted with amazing tourist attractions . Pakistan shares the wonderful mix of culture, tradition, and heritage and historical attractions. Nixon in Leader quoted Buddha is one the greatest leader among three founders of major religions starting from famous valley of snakes Taxila in 600 B.C. One of the Buddha said that he gets light from founder of Islam. The oldest Stone Age culture of Sowan valley shares the tonal language with Thai language. Thailand is one of the top tourist destinations in the world and visitors are given best of the guides, VIP treatment. From visiting places like the amazing Koi Samui Island, the historical Ayuthaya Park, or simply enjoying a city tour in the bustling city of Bangkok, there are massive clusters of attractions that will make any tour more delightful. The excellent tour guide Nina guided me in King S’ Palace showing everything in detail golden bricks, golden costume of Buddha in excellent Temple even quoting the prices. The tour to costly stone factory was just like VIP visiting some state. Pattaya, the Temple Chai Mongkhon, Hat Dongtan, Hat Ta Waen Beach, Pattaya Elephant Village, Mini Siam, and Hat Naklua are also excellent places to visit. Chiang Mai very old for adventurous tourism, historic sightseeing place might be declared as twin of Taxila Heritage 1st University and 1st place of Buddhism. Taxila Heritage might include sort of the Orchard Farm, Namtok Mae Sa, Mae Se Elephant Show, Chiang Mai Temple, and the Mae Sa Butterfly Farm places in Thailand. The most common religion is Theravada Buddhism. Thai Buddhism ranks amongst the highest in the world. According to the last census (2000) 94.6% of the total population is Buddhists of the Theravada tradition. Muslims are the second largest religious group in Thailand at 4.6%.[1][78] Thai culture has been shaped by many influences, including Indian, Lao, Burmese, Cambodian, and Chinese. We can cooperate with Thailand for development of Tourism as industry improving facilities for Buddhist , Sikhs and others for their religious places and others for richest and greatest cultural heritage in Pakistan beside very exciting , wonderful and beautiful places. Global Peace Mega Project for protection of global investors, protection of global trading routes, protection of tourist , protections of artists, actors, researchers on heritage giving special concessions and facility is my over 30 years research work. Profile: http://www.scribd.com/doc/119087715/Profile-Nazeer-Ahmad-Chaudhry
E-mail: nazeerchaudhry1@gmail.com LinkedIn, face book: others Nazeer Chaudhry: Face book, twitter, Naymzs.com and LinkedIn at e-mail: nazeer-chaudhry2@hotmail.com and other at nazeer.chaudhry.79@facebook.com
http://www.linkedin.com/in/nazeerbhatti52 at nazeerchaudhry@yahoo.com , twitter, face book, sites: http://nazeerchaudhry1.blogspot.com//feeds/posts/default
“ The corruption is mother of all evil” Unknown Friend
Solution to All Problems :Ending Terrorism
50 Years Research Work : Serious Violation of human rights proved through ecomomic indicators, inflation, unemployment, energy crisis and terrorism/crimes requires no further proofs. The courts have to take judical notice on proved , issued proved and conclusive proved facts under Evidence Act. Taking judice notice of Corruption ( Al Quran ; Subject of Quran by Zahid Malik) .
The corruption include bribery, dacoity, dissen and couple it with analogy
Supreme : Allaha is Soverign , Superior : Muhammad is his Prophet PBUM , late President Faiz ul Islam Qazi Saghir ul Haq had defined it best , the silent is Quran and if it speaks it is Sharia. The superior is Law
Corruption , corruption serial 1 to serial 15 is vital issue generating all problems
"The left behing would join the booty , and would not hesitate to change the verdict of Allaha , Soverign, they would only listen what they like , they are deaf, dumb and blinds"
We must start an accountability and rule of Law curbing all side issues being generated since last 4 years to digest corruption of $ 1.63, Rs 260 trillions by Law breakers. No immunity to any one in Law including Quran & Sharia, UNO Charter , International laws , established humen rights. Law . Consitution is secondry issue required to implement laws. Law Ministry under consituional head head The President have to extend full respect and obey superior Judiciary the only authority on intrepretation of Law though they are also only authority on interpretation of consitution and Acts passed by parliament established under consitution that may not be written as in UK or may not be required as in 79 countries out 195 though democracies use consitution to implement Laws. Generating side issues on breaking the countries in 10 pieces and generating very serious issue in Balachistan though based on 250 lies is worst .
Terrorist Gang in Gujarkhan & Rawalpindi
The corruption of Rs 200 Trillions , Killing of 30000 by Board of Revenue , NAB, Revenue, Police , Q , by destroying DC sytem alongwith all Laws since 2005 , burning 1904 records , changing Lathas , and opening declaring
ex PTCl revenue clerk claiming grade 17 reveenue officer assuming DC Rawalpindi appointing half dozen new gradmothers, new grand fathers , new fathers innovating letter no 138/HC of 138 of 1/3/07 at the name of ex DDOR Ibrahim Junaid, ex Tehsildar Tariq Mialik not known to them rejected by Colector Asif Qureshi declares represnting killer of 577 , 871 dacoties , 18 terrorist attacks looting of Rs 44 billions Inspector IFtikhar Chaudhry Naqdi Moharara , Abrar Chaudhry his cousin ex Nazim Jattli, Javid Ashraf brother of Pervaiz Ashraf, Naib Tehsidar Chaudhry Nasir Gujar Khan , Jamil Mirza DSP Gujar Khan Advocate Raja Amin, Advocate /ex Nazim Raja Navid and Self made Numberdar Constable Aziz Naib Naqdi Moharar Chief of one 4 Thug Gangs uncle of Nosarbaz Thug Ghafur
DC has abolished Quran , Sharia, Consitution 189 & 201, Land Revenue Act 1967 , all decsions PLD by superior courts , all legal & heir rites of Ladies , all mututions /share on record have ben abolished and Laws have been abolished , they are just books having no value though they might have some value if attested by Numberdar and here Numberdar means selfmad numberdar Thugs , dacoits , cheats , frauds criminals.
Saima Younis So to EDOR Jamal Mustafa Rawalpindi in Februrary 2006 when ghafur apponited 7th grandfather mutation 290 of 2005 of his grand mother 5 canal wwhere he is not legal heirs gives the gang 350 Canals of 3 crippled ladies survival out of 9 & now only one left , all houses , belongings and every thing because asumed DC Saima dclared " All Laws in Pakistan are wrong "
" We donot accept any laws and any courts , we have entered all legal heirs as dead and after 30 yea
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