Nazeer Chaudhry has offered 1st decryption of Indus Scripts 1300 BC civilization in South Asia. As President TPI Inc, board of 30 has offered predicted solutions to over 0.5 million problems. Crackiing codes of terrorists and corruption mafia took about 50 years and suffered over dozen killing attacks being only male member of few properties.All of his relatives were killed by relatives of his step mother who had been brought up , educated and services/ every thing given by him and his father. Global Peace Mega Project and other petiotions at Nazeer ChaudhryTwitter : and Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry at Peace Pink page has the details.


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Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:39am

Chapter 3:
Introduction to Cryptanalysis   (p 1-24)
N.A. Chaudhry  , Farzana Kulsum M.S (Telecomm. Engg.) , B.E. ( Computer Engg.),  Julia

Section 3.1 :Historical Perspective 
Section :3.2 Substitution Cipher
Section 3.3:Modified Polybuis Square
Section 3.4:Skytale Cipher
Section 3.5:Evolution of Basic Procedures

Chapter 4:
Evolution of Cryptanalysis Algorithm   (p 127-191)

N.A. Chaudhry, Engineer Hasan Nazeer Chaudhry  M.S. ( Electrical Engg.), B.E. ( Computer Engg.)  , Sonia

Section 4.1: Ancient Cryptology

Section 4.2: Unbreakable Ciphers

Section 4.3:Modified  Block Cipher

Section 4.4:Caesar Cipher

Section 4.5:Changing Key Cipher

Section 4.6:IVC Black Chamber

Section 4.7:Simulated Code Book

Section 4.8: Decrypted Secrets

Section 4.9:Simulated Poly-alphabetic Substitution



Summary    ( SizeK)
 Chapter 5:
Security of  Harappan Ciphers    (p 127-191)

N.A. Chaudhry, Engineer Hasan Nazeer Chaudhry  M.S. ( Electrical Engg.), B.E. ( Computer Engg.)  , Sonia

Section 4.1: Ancient Cryptology

Section 4.2: Unbreakable Ciphers

Section 4.3:Modified  Block Cipher

Section 4.4:Caesar Cipher

Section 4.5:Changing Key Cipher

Section 4.6:IVC Black Chamber

Section 4.7:Simulated Code Book

Section 4.8: Decrypted Secrets

Section 4.9:Simulated Poly-alphabetic Substitution



Summary    ( SizeK)

            Non-Interrelated Alphabets
            Interrelated Alphabets
            Pseudorandom Key
            Non-Random Key, Random Key
Tripple Transposition 
Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:39am

Rijndael is the newest Commercial encryption algorithm for industry and commerce.

It is a block cipher; and uses 128 bits input output, encrypted with a 128bit, 192bit or 256 bit key. I understand you may have been busy or distracted and did not learn of the United States use of a new standard of encryption.  Others were Twofish, RC6, MARS, Serpent.    Some other computer friends of your may have the answer to my question.

Chapter 6:
Public Key Systems (p 265-314)
Mark Stamp, Richard M. Low
Summary  | Full Text: PDF (Size: 3397K)

Chapter 7:
Public Key Attacks (p 315-360)
Mark Stamp, Richard M. Low
Summary  | Full Text: PDF (Size: 3143K)




Frontmatter (p i-xix)
Summary |  Full Text: PDF (Size: K
Chapter 1:

Ahmad Hasan Dani ,N.A. Chaudhry ,  Sony

Summary  |  Full Text: PDF (Size: 3924K)

Chapter 2:
Evolution of Ethno-Archaeological Model    (p 1-11)
Nazeer.Ahamd Chaudhry  , Farhat Yasmeen , Eva


Section2.2:Pre-Historical Perspective

Section2.3:Pre- Harappan Culture.

Section2.4:Harappan Culture

Section2.5:Harappan Civilization

Section2.6: Confirmation of Conclusions

Section2.7:Terminal Symbols

Section2.8: Bibliography

Summary  |  Full Text: PDF (Size: 3924K)

Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:37am

Best Wishes and Highest prayers for your health

Jena: Strong and continous prayers for completing great mission, food suppliments 3 pegs of brandy and yam 100 grams with foods can give relief to cancer. Foundation of many persons may be at Benin for cancer food suppliments or parentless childrens may be the project. Since we don't deal with money, Madam Mary might suggest few  names of her trust and we can predict yes or no. We require name of Mary and name of her mother to predict answer to any question she has

Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:36am

Part-5 King asked that most beautiful human being would be last Prophet PBUH , Yousaf has been most beautiful  who would be next male and female . Prince Saful Maluk was predicted  as most beutiful male and Bedeh ul Jamal fairy was predicted to be most beutiful female. King asked their predicted photos and place of birth. Prince was to be born in Middle East and Jamal was to be born in Kohikaf the kingdon of Fairies. King Suleman ordered advanced engagement in 1000 BC , part-6

My highest prayers and best wishes for your health. Mercy og God is limitless , may God give you the strength to complete your noble mission. Barndy and yam are good for cancer and your prayers are vital. TPI Inc offers free prediction of solutions. My highest compliments for your kindness for your proposal of your great mission. We ask Jena to predict a solution.

Best Wishes and Highest prayers for your health

Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:36am

Treatment of Cancer : Comment on Waha Waha Meranshah

My highest compliments to my namesake Nazir Chaudhry and Youtube for uploading this wonderful book SaifulMalook by greatest spirtualist and scholar Mian Mohammad. This   is classical historical predicted accurate prehistoric analysis linking oldest stone age culture of Sowan Valley 0.5million years old confirmed Dani our international scholar , historian , archaeologist , sunsikrit and old language expert.

Part-2 Part-2 The rule of King Suleman 1000 BC had Jiants , Jennies , Fairies undercommand of Suleman. The famous Queen of Saba the son god worshiper had one of the parents as nonhumen being . Our TPI Inc. Sonia and Julia are assumed to be having Jin (Jennies) as father like Queen . King might had loved Jenni , I thought when Sonia once came with long black hairs and killing smiles. Thre are many witnesses for Jin lovver of Julia 's grangmother part-3 

Part-3 Queen of Saba had long hairs on legs so she used the stockings.Read my  comment Modern Dimension of Islam , transmission of solid objects as test case had been achieved by science in 21st century. Who brought the thrown of Queen from Yemen to site of Masjid Aqsa in flick of a second. Not the flying creatures fairies or strong giants but a man who had ben given the knowledge off course unknown to most powerful King of History Suleman like Moses not knowing Khezir ( Sura Kahif)

Part-4 Queen opened her stockings and her long hairs like goats were visible , King Suleman said " This floor is glass not water , walk over it" . It was confirmed that one of the parents of Queen was not humen being. We assume that her father was a Jin like our Sonia and Julia. We assume Sony and Julie having mother as Jeni. We have confirmed source of both cases in our bhatti tribe near Missa Kuswal. This is illegal adventure in many stories perhaps legal issue was Prince Saful Maluk part-5

Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:35am

“It is good thing to have two ways of looking at the subject and to admit that there are two ways of looking at it “James C. Maxwell

As TPI Inc. President heading board of directors of over 30 members may not be humen beings , we have given over 0.5 million free predicted /forecasting solutions .US ecomomy has been sinked , just an environment reader , we are not predicting what it is ? . Black & white issue is hanging for TPI Inc. boat or ballon , global trading , opening of supply routes and other issues are hanging. Sick Cats & dogs capturing corruption house with $ 1.63 trillion corruption , Rs 200 Trillion i local currency running mafia drugs & land terrorism bussiness may be with global agencies mosad , RAW & other have launched extensive killing /terrorist operation against me and myy family killing almost over 15. I have global peace mega project that can trillionsincluding many projects. Devils/liars called lawyers paying no taxes , occuuping illegal offices , keeping terrorist forces , getting highest posts have hijacked the courts converted to public killers who have done no crime hence We believe the story in full. I invented maintenance free exchage suitable even for nuclear environments and desert and it had the same fate.

      The root of the evil... lay not in corruption but in the system which bred it, the alliance between industrialists and politicians which produced benefits in the form of tariffs, public lands, and federal subsidies: Samuel P Hays

   Perhaps TPI Inc. can offer a solution how Johnson Motor could be used to restore destruction of economy .

We have a sample of an accountibility as introduction


Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:35am

"What the hell is going on Sir, you should have given us a ring to give you the guide" , Said Incharge.

" Sir,  We have given you warning lights from both side but you ignored " , Camer rider have reached

" Sir , you had been across the border since long, thanks God, you have been saved being a stae guest " , post incharge had also joined. 

" My regret and appologies for all this non-sense and specially studip thought of leaving the hunt thinking that , chance of female deer with a baby can n,t be ruled out, I would pay if you can arrange some beef or meat or fish" , Mac said. " I did popose to get a guide and guidence from local experts but our friend here thougt iit useless" , he added

" What the hell is wrong with South Asian hunters of vultures , swines, crocodiles , nothing is coming out of an accountability, are they all females with a baby in the belly" , Clara SVP control desk protested

Sonia : we have got hold of many criminal daring to steal the purses.

Clara , So Sciller has followers in Corruption Houses but corrupts are allways look like female hunt with a baby in the belly hence no one was ever hunted

It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases.  Friedrich Schiller

Great minds have purposes; others have wishes. :  Washington Irving

Excellent Presentation on Johnson Motor for free electricity is an outstanding job requirng highest compliments and congratualtions. As R&D Engineer at Signal Research Establishment MCS now  NUSt Rawalpindi Pakisistan , I had training from almost over 250 foreign firms from all the countries and being multidiscipline researcher ; I had exposure to over thousand presentations but this is best one. 

Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:35am

Eva with film of present, past and future VP Control Dest TPI Inc. and PS to Mac President has very interesting hunting tips for hunters of wild animals though now found in Corruption Houses. Mac had ignored warning lights by camel riders and all the hunting team was silent. Deer has stopped watching the lights of pick up and distance was roughly over 50 yards. Mac had fired thousands of shots and never missed a bullet. He left the hunt and ordered his driver to move toward right on the sand track on which the lights of jeep were visible. Hunting team was highly disappointed on this worst decision of leaving the hunt after wasting over an hour tracking the deer. We asked Sony , mind reader and expert on calling spirits APS to Mac to read the mind of her friend who had taken worst decision to leave the hunt and now he has to pay fine to treat all of us. Mac had gone to meet border incharge who had come on a jeep. 

Sony: We were encircled by camel riders though we ignored them and now jeep had blocked our way forward. Deer in any case had to be their property if hunted but he may be she with baby in her belly thought Mac. Tracking the deer coming within 50 yards with complete silence by the team has completed the fun of hunting was another thought in his mind though he has to pay out of his pocket or he has to hunt over dozen birds for the team. 

"What the hell is going on Sir, you should have given us a ring to give you the guide" , Said Incharge.

Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:34am

Part-6 “The scientists split the atom; now the atom is splitting us: Quentin Reynolds

 The courts would not allow any witness , any evidence  on the proved , assumed proved  and conclusive proved facts to be proved wrong but would take judicial notice. Dismissing Allaha as Superior , Superior Law Quran & Sharia , immunity on what was not even been granted to Khatoon i- Junat , Prophet PBUH said. , calling coruption as rite , calling NRO as Mesaq-i- Madina , the special compliment to Full Bench by Ehtizaz, Asima , Kurd , & others , giving statements for ethnic destruction of nation in 10 parts , not orgnizational units but 10 parts . It might have other meanings but public must get back $ 1.63 T and over Rs 200 T looted money. We have a case of Rs 200 T

Comment by nazeer ahmad chaudhry on January 9, 2013 at 1:33am


It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases.  Friedrich Schiller

MW . “ It is setlled issue by all , husband has to be like that , what happened to $ 25 million acount and Nadra Card.

RA. “ Sir, put your thumb impression on this form, we have opend your acount” , Bank Manager came running a bag of carrots on his arm ( putihi –feed for Ass ), he had ordered to beat me out of bank when I ,first time  entered , what the hell this Ass is doing in the bank.

Ass have ‘khurs’ no thumbs I answered

Manager “ Excellency even a an impression of tail would do , question of $ 25 million accout Sir,

Part-6 “The scientists split the atom; now the atom is splitting us: Quentin Reynolds

 The courts would not allow any witness , any evidence  on the proved , assumed proved  and conclusive proved facts to be proved wrong but would take judicial notice. Dismissing Allaha as Superior , Superior Law Quran & Sharia , immunity on what was not even b

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