Wave Energy:
Bruce: We are designing ultra large diameter turbine systems designed to use the great ocean currents as our source of extraction. Which Energy is Best: Hydroelectric will be best, the wind and Solar will provide power about 30 to 35%. During my research I found a paper from the British Royal Society that stated if you were able to extract just 1/1000th of 1% of the energy that strikes the worlds oceans you would be able to replace all other form of energy used by man 7 time over.
U.S. Navy Ocean Currents Map of the world on the internet would give the ocean currents flow very fast along your coast line. Using the right equipment you can extract that energy just as wind turbines do but with a difference. The ocean currents run 24/7/52 with only small variations in speed as the seasons. Change. If your ocean current equipment is capable of paying for itself during on grid operations that means you have between 55 and 60% of your total capacity that could be considered largely free. With that extra capacity you can generate hydrogen and extract Co2 from either the air or the water. If those items are combined with pressure, temperature and the right catalyst then you can make liquid hydrocarbon fuels and not have to import them. A huge economic advantage, you also might have the ability to export these fuels if the economic conditions are right.
The best part is that the fuels you generate will be carbon neutral and will not add to the climate change problem. You also have a near 100% capacity of utilization that carbon, nuclear, solar, and tidal and wind systems cannot match. You also will have depending upon pricing and tax policy the ability to pay off these type of operation in about 15 years where traditional and present renewable systems generally take 30 year or more before their capitalization is paid off
Coal Gas and SNG
There is a place for solar, for Hydroelectric, for creating a fuel from waste and using it to replace coal, for WtE plants, for waste to biofuels, for geothermal, for wind, for tidal, for..., for.. In say Saudi Arabia, solar would be great, but in areas of little sun but lots of rain, it maybe something else such at hydro.
Which is best type of energy; people are trying to replace coal plants? There is a place for solar, for Hydroelectric, for creating a fuel from waste and using it to replace coal, for WtE plants, for waste to biofuels, for geothermal, for wind, for tidal, for..., for.. In say Saudi Arabia, solar would be great, but in areas of little sun but lots of rain, it maybe something else such at hydro.
To get an answer, you need to do a careful life cycle balance, look at costs, economics, and local conditions. If possible try to keep one answer people out of it.Coal gas is being discouraged at global level by earth warming and others protesting against the installed plant. Calf. And UK plants were recently destroyed. A fuel gas produced by the destructive distillation of coal. In the late-19th and early-20th centuries coal gas was a major source of energy and was made by heating coal in the absence of air in local gas works. Typically, it contained hydrogen (50%), methane (35%), and carbon monoxide (8%). By-products of the process were coal tar and coke
Corruption network should make black money white by investment in car parking 15 degree underfoot path, car parking plazas , , stop wastage of $ 50 million by blocking traffic by public killer daciots and thieves in uniform capturing roads and footpaths,
Pakistan requires water treatment plants at many waste water resources of Rawalpindi and Islamabad and other big cities and cantonments. Many wastewater treatment facilities use waste gas from plant processes as a generator set fuel source. This gas is comprised of mostly methane and carbon dioxide that is generated by wastewater digesters used in the water treatment process. This gas is then captured and used by Cat® generator sets to provide the plant with electricity and heat for the digester or other thermal loads. Caterpillar customers receive expert consultation on how to design, install and maintain power plants designed especially for wastewater plant gas fuel. A durable engine specifically designed for use with low-energy fuel is the cornerstone of a reliable power system. That engine drives a Cat generator to produce electricity. Where the capture and use of waste heat is not viable, many industrial facilities may still benefit financially via distributed generation (DG), or locally producing power. Where the capture and use of waste heat is not viable, many industrial facilities may still benefit financially via distributed generation (DG), or locally producing power
Clean Energy Investment Rises 22% Led by U.S., China : Clean-energy investment rose 22 percent in the second quarter from the prior three months as increased spending in the U.S., China and South Africa countered a slump in Europe.
Evgeni Alimjv : Recycling technology using autoclaves ,and technology of espresso deshovom construction ,
Methane for Power Production
For my part I can contribute a lot in solar technology thermodynamics (Carnot principle) and PV is now one of the most mentioned, known and yet to deliver much if it decreases the value of Wp, besides the size of the modules and pollution or CO2 footprint is now only reaches its equilibrium in PV in year 10, recovery of the investment in year 15, at least in these parts
Waste to energy conversion would increase recycling/ material capture, eliminate landfills (our technology), and the resultant biofuels could be dedicated to cogeneration for energy- no limit on any type feedstock equals no limit to biofuel/ energy. Victor Canada : Zero Fuel Technology offers can be integrated into existing grid systems. 1MW of power generation requires 17 units with a footprint of 1700sqft, 850sqft if stacked. Black Wynd Sol.ppsx combination of 6 technologies ; Solar , Wind etc. Biomass Biofuels: , website:, Blog: . Funding is only available for pyrolysis/gasification/biomass plants in the UK, Mainland Europe, and the USA
Fuel Cell works with natural gas, propane and bio fuels.
Waste to energy conversion would increase recycling/ material capture, eliminate landfills (our technology), and the resultant biofuels could be dedicated to cogeneration for energy- no limit on any type feedstock equals no limit to biofuels.
Heat recycling, Biofuels Cellulosic Ethanol from rice, wheat straws, rice husk plus CHP plant which burns process wastes creating additional RE streams from wastes. India has 300 liter ethanol from a ton of straw has been established. We can cooperate with many countries.
Micro Gas Turbine:
Heat recycling technology can give us lot of energy. My research papers as M Phil Electronics Engineering researcher at MUET Jamshoro were given to Mr. Leshari. Micro Gas Turbine was intended to act as power generation unit in waste heat recovery plants. A turbine is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work. A turbine is a turbo machine with at least one moving part called a rotor assembly, which has a shaft or drum with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the blades so that they move and impart rotational energy to the rotor.
Micro turbines are small combustion turbines which are having output ranging between 20 kW to 500 kW which runs with high rotating speeds of 20,000 to 120,000 rpm. This innovative technology provides a solution to the scaling-down of higher power gas turbines. Normally they are combustion turbine that produces both heat and electricity on a relatively small scale. Micro turbines are becoming widespread for distributed power and co-generation (Combined heat and power) applications. Micro turbines offer several potential advantages compared to other technologies for small-scale power generation, including: a small number of moving parts, compact size, lightweight, greater efficiency, lower emissions, lower electricity costs, and
Pakistan is wasting huge hydroelectric , biogas, wind , wave , dirty water and other energy ,
Bruce Best Comment • The average capacity of utilization of almost all grid based energy systems including coal, gas, nuclear, and traditional hydro systems is limited to an average maximum of between 40 to 45% and that there are physical limits that will allow them to go no farther. The renewable systems with capacities of utilization of near 100% of these technologies can win against coal, gas, and nuclear power sources. It is possible to get electricity, hydrogen and carbon neutral liquid hydrocarbon fuels from the same source. Ocean Power Systems can pay off a multi MW power plant that have capital costs similar to traditional coal and gas systems in 10 to 15 years instead of the 30 to 40 that traditional plants take. With life times before renovation based at 50 years that would mean that these systems would be cash cows for 35 to 40 years.
Carolyn Davis Australian Inventor. Stellarator can produce clean electromagnetic energy endlessly by using a constant electromagnetic superconducting laser beam which circularly operates. $ 15 million dollars a scaled down version built. Steven Hardison Power Electronics, Electric Power Generation, Plumbing and Water Treatment
Most of public ask about wastage of $ 50 millions by capturing roads , footfaths, t junctions , corners by public killer daciots and thieves in uniform wasting $ 3 billions on road jumbs , wires , iron rods , hurddles , blocks torturing tax payers
Wind Energy.
Pakistan has very long coast line with huge potential of Wind, wave and solar energy. Denmark plans to produce 50% by 2020 from present 30 %. Germany wants renewable energy to account for 35% of electricity .Presently, Europe’s largest national economy, produces roughly 12% of its electricity from wind and solar. Wind and solar generate 3.5% of America's electricity today but they are moving very fast on green energy. The Report by David and Samuel is an analysis of European wind variability over 140 years, aimed at helping and informing policymakers, developers, owners, turbine manufacturers and investors. It also highlights the areas where the Met Office is investing in research and development needed to offer reliable weather and wind predictions on all timescales. - First public video of the 35-foot-wide Airborne Wind Turbine. The scale prototype harnessed strong winds up to 350 feet high to produce over twice the power of traditional wind turbines.
The U.S. Energy Department said that wind energy was the biggest source of new electricity in the country last year. US has now become a leading market for utility-scale solar 2012 with over 1,781 MW of utility scale power coming online in 2012. To understand the US solar opportunity, PV Insider has created “Utility scale PV in the USA: A Path to Maturity”. This guide provides full results of a comprehensive industry survey which includes the nation’s top EPC and developers, complete with PV Insider analysis
Renewable Energy Potential in Pakistan
Engineer Nazeer Ahmad Chaudhry
Most of higher officials, departments, public terrorist posts are not paying any utility bills and major portion of electricity is stolen by theft , given free , wasted as line losses , transformer losses causing greatest loss to economy. We have to find immediate solution by strict accountability of corruption that has yet to start. Energy problem has to be seen as a whole. Pakistan has lot of potential of hydel power at barrages, canals and mini-dams can be integrated with green energy and renewable energy resources. The quickest and cheapest are biogas, heat recycling, solar and wind energy to be integrated with existing grid systems those are not loaded for full capacity. Details are given at Message Board:
Johann J. im Unruhestand: Motorenentwicklung The best of all renewable energies is my oxyhydrogen-motor. What is it? A new motor need only water. It´s not work over elektrolytik and without N.
Pakistan has great potential of alternative, green and solar energy being wasted .I am offering $ 7 billion projects, many integrated energy projects. The alternative sources include, solar, biomass, biogas. Wind, recycling waste and other forms that are feasible such as hydro plants at barrages, canals, mini dams and many other sources being wasted. TPI Inc. proposes integration of global resources to achieve sustainable world peace.
Fame and fortune are nothing if you’re not happy and healthy: Erika Sleazy
Shahbaz ( Eagle in Glass Cage Cut off From Public Encircled by Terrorist Police Public Killers and Revenue Gangs
Excellencies Main Niwaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan with his experience of 3rd time in next 5 years and Excellency Mian Shahbaz Sharif with his hard work, honesty and special consideration for public would take Pakistan too high. They have restored DC System, al laws, dismissal of Supreme God, Prophet PBUH, Quran Qanoon –i- Shariah abolished by NRW, Revenue, Police, Q and Musharaf in 2002, abolishing all legal rights of women heirs, 1904 records were burnt, all dead 15 millions made alive are voters. Our new PS in Lion costume has astonished for opening of South Asia for full support. TPI Inc. has closed it Munafqeen and crossing limits of Kufur mafia gang had sold 63 % of country and destroyed 61 % of economy . After 3 months excellencies have taken corruption so high that even hope of survival is not visible.
The root of the evil... lay not in corruption but in the system which bred it, the alliance between industrialists and politicians which produced benefits in the form of tariffs, public lands, and federal subsidies: Samuel P Hays
Ending Terrorism:
Cracking of Killing Mafia & Destruction of Evidence:
Cracking of Terrorist Gang:
New Killing Technologies:
Global Protection of Records:
Protect yourself:
Actual Terrorists:
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